Quick Eval | How to use Quick Eval tool to assess course submissions

Quick Eval enables you to use a single location to view all student submissions that are awaiting evaluation. Submissions made to Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions are displayed in a list and can be selected to take you directly to their assessment page (source: d2l)

Assess a submission by student via Quick Eval

When you access Quick Eval tool via your Brightspace Course page you will see only students submissions of a particular course. The column Course will, therefore, not be visible.

To find out how to navigate to the Quick Eval tool, please visit: Navigating to Quick Eval

To assess a submission by student:

  1. Click on Submissions button
  2. Click on Activity Name column to sort students submission by assignment
  3. Click on the name of a student
Quick Eval - click on students name to evaluate

You will be redirected to the page with submission(s) of the student.

Note: It is possible you will see more than one submission. This depends on whether the setting of the assignment allowed for more than one file to be submitted, or if the student was required to re-submit their work.

  1. Click on the submission file you want to evaluate
  2. When done, click either Publish or Save Draft at the bottom of the page
Student's activity submissions overview
  1. To return to the Quick Eval tool homepage, click on Back to Quick Eval.
Student's activity submissions overview

Assess submissions by Activity via Quick Eval

The activities screen will list all Assignments, Quizzes, Discussion topics that require submission and evaluation. This view offers an overall summary on a course activity (click here which activities are displayed).

When on Quick Eval homepage,

  1. Click on the button Activities to list your course activities that require submission
Quick Eval - Activities page overview
  1. Hover over with your mouse the activity for the options to appear (details on options)
Quick Eval - hover over the activity listed for more options
  1. Click Evaluate All to start evaluating the submissions
Quick Eval - hover over the activity listed for more options

You will be redirected to the page with the student's submission(s).

  1. Click on the submission file to evaluate
  2. When done, click either Save Draft or Publish at the bottom of the page
Student's activity submissions overview

To go to the next student's submission:

  1. Click the arrows in the upper right corner of this page (this option also allows you to move backwards)


Click the arrow in the lower right corner of the page

Activity students submissions overview
  1. To return to the Quick Eval page click Back to Quick Eval.
Activity students submissions overview - Return to Quick Eval page


Now you know how to assess submissions to your course activities using Quick Eval tool in Brightspace!

Want to know more about Assessment in Brightspace?

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