Assignments | How to use the Assignments tool: Submissions Homepage

After you have created the Assignments the students are able to submit their work. Every Assignment of the course will have a list of submissions by the students.

This article shows how to:

First, navigate to the Assignments homepage. In the Assignments homepage

  1. Click on the Assignment's [title], in the list of Assignments.
Assignment homepage

Submissions homepage

You will be redirected to the Submissions Homepage

If there are no submissions by students yet, the homepage of this tool will appear empty with only four default buttons: Edit Assignment, Email Users Without Submissions, Add Feedback Files, Submission Log, and two tabs: Users, Submissions

Lab Report - Submissions - Test course environment - Wageningen University & Research - Google Chrome
1. Edit Assignment

This button will lead to Edit Assignment Homepage.

To edit the properties of an assignment you can find more information in the article How to create an Assignment

Edit Assignment Homepage
2. Email Users Without Submissions

This will open the pop-up window Compose New Message, where you can send an e-mail. All the students that have not submitted their assignment will be included in Bcc.

For more information, please visit: How to use the Email tool in Brightspace

Pop-up window Compose New Message
3. Add Feedback Files

A pop-up window Add Feedback Files will open,  you can upload multiple Feedback Files

Pop-up window Add Feedback Files
4. Submission Log

This button will redirect to the submission area of the assignment where you can filter based on when a student submitted a file, and whether the student or teacher has deleted the submission.

Submission Log Homepage

Submissions homepage Tabs

Once new assignment(s) has (have) been submitted by students, a table with all submissions will appear on the Assignments Homepage with the following information:

Users Tab

Users tab - explanation of View by, Search for, search option and table overview
1. Filter

It is possible to filter the Submissions Views by User or by Groups. This function can be useful when searching for student groups

This option is only possible when Groups have been created in the course

How to filter by groups

In the Users tab, next to View By,

  1. Click on the downward arrow, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click on Groups
  3. Click on Apply
Under Users tab, next to View By click on the downward arrow, a drop-down menu will appear then click on Groups, then click on Apply

After this action, more options will appear next Groups,

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to Group 1, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Select the Group you want to view
  3. Click on Apply
More options will appear next to Groups, Click on the downward arrow next to Group 1, a drop-down menu will appear, select the group and click on apply
2. Search For

You can also search for specific students by typing their name in the Search For... box. You can use the First and Last name or the user's e-mail.

The WUR Username does not always work when searching for users. Make sure you type the students name or WUR e-mail address. In Brightspace the Username is the user's WUR e-mail and NOT the WUR Username.

  1. Click on Show Search Options
Search For ... box
Show Search Options

After this action, more options will appear. Next to the magnifying glass instead of Show Search Options, it will now say Hide Search Options

More search options will appear
  1. Search in: check the boxes to search for First Name or Last Name
  2. Submissions: search by the submission status of the users. Options are all Users, with, without, previewed or graded submissions
  3. Feedback: search for users with or without feedback

To apply any of these actions click the Magnifying Glass

3. Users options
User options (Download, Email, Mark as Read, Mark as Unread, Delete and Publish Feedback
  • Download a selection of submitted files
  • Send an Email in your Classlist
  • Mark as Read a selection of submitted files
  • Mark as Unread a selection of submitted files
  • Delete a selection of submitted files   
  • Publish Feedback of submission(s) that evaluation has been saved as Draft

It is possible to Select all the Students, by checking the selectbox next to Last Name, First Name, or to select an individual student check the selectbox next to the Students name

4. Table overview
Table ovewview of the students submissions

The Table consists of features better explained below. It is possible to sort the table by these features, simply by clicking on the title of the feature.

  • Selectbox - allows to select one, more or all the users of the Users list
  • Under (Last, First) Name you will see the full name of  the user
    • At the end of each user name's row is the Evaluate, Draft Saved or Published button. By clicking there, you will be transferred to Evaluation and Feedback Homepage
    • In the row under each user name's row you can find the icons to flag, mark as Read/Unread and View Submission of the user
  • Under Submission Date you can find the date the file(s) was(were) submitted. In case a file was submitted late in regard to a deadline, then a message in red letters appears with the number of days the submission was late  
  • Under Delete there is the option to delete a submission by clicking on the Trash Bin icon

Submissions Tab

Submissions Tab
1. Search For

Another possibility is to search for specific students or teachers by typing his/her name in the search box (Search For...). You can use the First and Last name or the user's e-mail.

Please pay attention to use the (last) name or the WUR e-mail. In Brightspace the Username is the user's WUR e-mail and NOT the WUR Username. So,  WUR Username does not always work when searching for users. 

Show Search Options

Click Show Search Options to search more specifically. It now states Hide Search Options. You can find the following  

More Search Options will appear
  1. Search in: check the boxes to search for File Name or Score
  2. Submission Date: search files submitted after or before a specific date or Late Submissions in regard to a deadline
  3. Read Status: search for read or unread submissions
  4. Flag Status: search for Submissions with or without flags

To apply any of these actions click the Magnifying Glass

2. Submissions options

By checking the selectbox in one or more users' names, it possible to:

  • Download a selection of submitted files
  • Send an Email in your Classlist
  • Mark as Read a selection of submitted files
  • Mark as Unread a selection of submitted files
  • Delete a selection of submitted files   
3. Table overview

The Table consists of features better explained below. It is possible to sort the table by these features, simply by clicking on the title of the feature.

  • Selectbox - allows to select one, more or all the users of the Users list
  • Under Submission(s) you can find the icons to flag, mark as Read/Unread and the submitted file of each user
  • Under Submission Date you can find the date the file(s) was(were) submitted. In case a file was submitted late in regard to a deadline, then a message in red letters appears with the number of days the submission was late  
  • Under (Last, First) Name you will see the full name of  the user


Now you know how to use Submissions Homepage in Brightspace!


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