MS Teams | How to record and share the MS Teams recording

MS Teams meetings can be recorded and shared.  However, the availability of the recording to participants  will depend on how the meeting was scheduled.

Be aware, that it is not advisable to record MS Teams Meetings created via the Brightspace course page.

However, if you wish to record the meeting and share it with your class, please consider reviewing the following articles:

The recording will automatically be saved to Sharepoint.

Storage location and users access of Teams recordings

The meeting was created in an MS Teams 
Meeting created via Brightspace or Outlook
Who can start the recording?
  • Owner
  • Participant
  • Not by guests
  • Organizer
  • Not by guests
Where does the recording go?
MS Teams

A link to the recording will appear after the meeting in the chat of the team channel in which this meeting took place. If the channel is public, the recording will appear in the Files tab > Recordings folder 


the recording is saved in the channel's Sharepoint

MS Teams

the recording will appear in the chat of the meeting


the recording is saved in the Sharepoint of the person who started the meeting, in the Recordings folder

Who has access to the recording?
  • Owners and all members of the team can watch, download and share the recording.
  • Guests can access the recording through the team's files.
  • The owner of the team has full rights to the recording 
  • A participant who started the recording has full rights to the recording 
  • A participant (present in the meeting) has read-only access but no sharing access
  • A participant (not present in the meeting) has no access. The owner (of the channel or of the video) must share it
How can you grant access to others?
All the team members have automatic access to the recording
  • By giving access to the users 
  • By sharing the recording on the Brightspace page or on the MS Team

How to customize recording settings

If the organiser of a meeting doesn't want all participants to be able to start the recording, the  role of presenter to participants should be removed

Open the meeting you want to edit the settings, scroll down to the bottom of the page

  1. Right-click on Meeting options 
  2. Select Open link


Meeting options

You will be redirected to an online page, where further Meeting options can be selected,

  1. Click on the arrow next to Who can present? 


Meeting options - Who can present?

A drop-down menu will appear,

  1. Select Specific people 


Click on Specify people

Only WUR-accounts who have also been invited to the meeting can be searched

The organiser can always start the recording

More options will appear, Select presenters for this meeting,

  1. Click on the arrow next to Search for participants, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Select the participants in the menu that will appear or enter their email addresses
More options will unfold, click on Search for participants

Once you have selected the presenters of the meeting,

  1. Click on Save
Meeting Options Summary

How to give access to a recording

The user who started a meeting and the owner of a channel where the meeting has been hold have full rights to record a meeting. Meaning that they can provide access to a recording and/or share it

To edit the access to a recording, go to the meeting chat and click on the recording or select Open in OneDrive. Then,

  1. Click the 🛈 on the top right
  2. Click on Manage access 
OneDrive information

A tab will open, from here the access settings can be managed

Two types of access can be given to users: Links Giving Access or Direct Access

Manage access
2. Direct access

Direct Access is for those who have direct access

It is also possible to give direct access to users,

  1. Click on the + sign
Direct access tab
  1. Enter the name/email of the person you want to give access to
  2. Select what type of access you want to give to: can edit or can view
  3. (Optional) Insert a Message...
  4. If you decide to notify people, an email will be sent to the user about the gained access
  5. Click on Grant access
Grant direct access

You can also find more information on how to record a meeting and how to play and share a meeting recording in Teams in the Microsoft Teams knowledge base 

How to upload recordings to Brightspace

It is possible to upload a MS Teams meeting that has been recorded on Brightspace, to do so:


1. Download the recording(s)

To download recording(s), navigate to the OneDrive, then:

  1. Click on the circle next to the recording(s) you want to download
  2. Click on Download


Download recordings

Download a recording when this one is open. To do so:

  1. Click on the circle of the recording you want to download from the Recordings folder
Open a recording

The recording will open. Then:

  1. Select Download
Download from recoridng

Your recordings will be saved as an MP4 or Zip files, depending on the dimension of it

2. Upload the recording to YuJa and share it via Brightspace

Detailed instructions on how to do so are provided here.


Now you how to share an MS Teams recording!


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