Classlist | About Brightspace course enrolments
Different type of enrolments are possible within a Brightspace course. The different roles give to users different type of permissions within the course environment.
In this article you can find information about:
- Registration open - Regular courses
- Registration closed for students, but open for Course Coordinators - Non-regular courses
- Registration closed - External users
Any changes in the role of a Course Coordinator, Lecturer and Course Administrator should be made by sending an email to
Manually enrolled participants with one of the above-indicated roles in Brightspace courses who are not registered in EMC, will be removed from the Brightspace course by the EMC synchronization.
Teaching Assistant, Student Assistant, Guest Lecturer, Guest Presenter and Viewer roles can be enrolled into the Brightspace course page by either the Course Coordinator or the Course Administrator.
1. Regular courses
For all regular centrally scheduled courses, enrolments are automatically processed by Brightspace for:
1.1. Students / Resit candidates
Student enrolments are based on the student course registrations (Osiris)
- When the registration term is open, students can register themselves via Osiris
- When the registration term is closed for students, but still open for course coordinators, the course coordinator can register the student via Osiris
- When the registration term is closed for students and course coordinators, contact the Student Service Centre
The Teaching & Learning Centre strongly advises not to manually add students to a course in Brightspace; they will not be officially registered for the course.
1.2. WUR-staff
WUR-staff enrolments are based on the course administration in the WUR Study Handbook. There are several roles in the Handbook that can be registered per course, and the automatic enrolment in Brightspace is based on this administration. The role in Brightspace is linked to the role in the study guide:
- Course coordinator (Brightspace role: course coordinator)
- Lecturer (Brightspace role: lecturer)
- Administrative procedures support ( Brightspace role: course administrator )
However, there some WUR-staff roles that need to be enroled by the Course coordinators:
- Teaching assistants (Brightspace role: teaching assistant)
- Guest lecturers (Brightspace role: guest lecturers)
Enrolment Type | Roles |
Automatic Enrolment by study Handbook |
Manual Enrolment by Course Coordinator |
It is important that the course administration in the Handbook is up to date for the staff enrolments in Brightspace (and Osiris)
Changes in Course Coordinator, Lecturer and Course Administrator roles should be required to
2. Non-regular courses
Non-regular courses are Brightspace courses (e.g. Thesis rings, Program sites etc.) that are not centrally scheduled. For all these types of courses, enrolments are not automated. There are several ways to enrol users in these courses:
2.1. Manually
To manually add users to the course can be done by a course coordinator.
2.2. Bulk enrolments
Bulk enrolments of students to non-regular courses can be done by a course coordinator or administrator.
If needed assistance can be requested by sending an e-mail to
2.3. Self-enrolment
When the course is "discoverable", the course will be open to every Brightspace user who will be able to self-enrol. This mode is only applicable in specific situations, it presents some limitations in the current version and is not yet recommended. Learn How to use the Discover tool in Brightspace.
3. External users
External users (e.g. guest lecturers) with a WUR Guest Account are given access to Brightspace automatically, however, they need to be added to a course manually by the course coordinator.
Now you know about Brightspace course enrolments in Brightspace!
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