Adding Content to a Course | How to stop sharing a OneDrive file in Brightspace
Content uploaded to your WUR OneDrive, be it files or whole folders, is available for you to share with other users. You as the owner of the content on your WUR OneDrive can manage the access to the content and are able to add, change or remove access to a certain file or folder.
This article will show:
Overview of OneDrive file sharing management
OneDrive files can be shared in different ways to Brightspace course. Therefore, there are different implications when changing or removing access to these files. In the table below you can find an overview based on the options how you share OneDrive files to Brightspace (How to share OneDrive files to Brightspace)
OneDrive file shared via: | How to remove access to a OneDrive file added in Brightspace | Implication for Brightspace Content after changing access of a OneDrive file on the OneDrive page |
Brightspace Content (button Upload / Create > Upload Files) |
Add restrictions in Brightspace (CONTENT: Manage Content) | A OneDrive file uploaded through the Upload a File function in Brightspace will remain in the course Content (sub)module and be accessible, even if you remove or change the access to the OneDrive file in the OneDrive page. |
OneDrive file URL added to Brightspace Content (button Upload / Create > Create a Link) |
Manage access in OneDrive page (this manual) AND / OR Add restrictions in Brightspace (CONTENT: Manage Content) |
A OneDrive file uploaded (as an URL) through the Create a Link function in Brightspace will remain in the course Content (sub)module but will not be accessible after you remove the access to the OneDrive file in the OneDrive page. A warning message will appear when clicked on in the Brightspace course Content (sub)module. |
Email function of OneDrive |
Manage access in OneDrive page (this manual) | A OneDrive file shared via email will not be accessible when opened from the email, after you remove the access to the OneDrive file in the OneDrive page. A warning message will appear when clicked on the link in the email. |
Remove access to OneDrive content for all users
This action affects the accessibility to the file or folder overall. If you have included the link of this OneDrive file or folder to a Brightspace course Content (sub)module the item will still be visible in the (sub)module but after clicking on it a warning message appears.
Access your WUR OneDrive from a web browser (Accessing OneDrive through web browser). In OneDrive, locate your file or folder for which you want to adjust the sharing rights.
- Hover over the file or folder with your mouse, and click the More actions dots
- Click Manage access from the drop-down menu

To the left side of the window a vertical panel appears with details on access to the specific file or folder.
- Click on Stop sharing to remove all access of all users

Window pops out with a prompt asking to confirm your action of removing access to your selected file or folder.
- Click the button Stop sharing

The pop-up window will close and you will see again the OneDrive page with the vertical panel on the left open. It will not show the new change right away. You have to close the vertical panel and repeat Step 1 and 2 of this manual to check the new sharing conditions.

If you have shared this file to your Brightspace course Content page via the URL, the file will still figure in the list of the (sub)module, even after removing access for the users. However, upon clicking on the file in the Content a new tab in the web browser opens with a message that informs the user they do not have access to the file.

Remove access to OneDrive content for specific users
This action affects the accessibility to the file or folder overall. If you have included the link of this OneDrive file or folder to a Brightspace course Content (sub)module the item will still be visible in the (sub)module but after clicking on it a warning message appears.
Access your WUR OneDrive from a web browser (Accessing OneDrive through web browser). In OneDrive, locate your file or folder for which you want to adjust the sharing rights.
- Hover over the file or folder, and click the More actions dots
- Click Manage access from the drop-down menu

To the left side of the window a vertical panel appears with details on access to the specific file or folder.
- Click the downward arrow next to icons of people who the file is shared with in the section Links giving access
This action will show a list of people who have access to the file and can edit or view the file
- Click the 'X' icon next to user's name to remove them from the list the and so remove their access to the file

After clicking on the X a window pops out with a confirmation of the action.
- Click the button Remove to confirm access removal for the user

The list in the vertical panel with access information will be updated automatically. If needed, you can proceed to remove access of other users, repeating Steps 4 and 5.
Now you know how to remove access to shared OneDrive files!
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