Surveys | How to add questions to a Survey

Once a Survey has been created in Brightspace, it is possible to add questions to it. There are two ways to add questions to a Survey, either by creating new questions or by importing them via a file or the Question Library.

This article show how to:

For further instructions on how to access the Surveys homepage, please visit: How to navigate to Surveys

Navigate to Question Editor

On the Surveys homepage, under the tab Manage Surveys,

  1. Click on the name of the Survey (i.e Survey 1)
Survey homepage, under Manage Surveys, in the table overview click on the Suvey Name

This will open the Survey Editing page, scroll down to the section, Survey Questions,

  1. Click on Add/Edit Questions

For a new Survey, this is only possible after entering a name for the quiz.

Edit Survey page - scroll down to section Survey Questions, click on Add/Edit Questions

The Question Editor will open and you can either (1) New or (2) Import

Question Editor page, click on New or Import

Add new questions

By clicking on New, a drop-down menu will appear,

  1. Select the type of question you want to add to your Survey, for example, Multiple Choice Question (MC)

For an overview of the different questions available, please visit: Quiz question types

New, select the type of question you would like to add to your Survey

To get further instruction on the different settings available when creating a question, please visit: About Question Types, Section and Question Pool

The Multiple Choice question page will open,

  1. Add Question Text
  2. Add Answers
  3. (Optional) Tick the box to Randomise answer order
  4. Click on Save

On the right side of the question editor, you can see the question preview

Example of adding a multiple choice question

Once the question has been saved, the newly created question will appear on the Question Editor page,

  1. Click on New to continue adding questions to your Survey
  2. Click on Done Editing Questions, once you have finished adding questions to your Survey
Redirected to question editor, the newly created question will appear. Click on new to add more questions or if finished click on done editing questions

The Question Editor page will close, and the Editing Surveys page will re-open, with an overview of the newly created questions

Back to Editing Surveys page, and overview of the newly created questions will appear

Importing questions from a file or the question Question Library

It is possible to add questions to your quiz by importing them,

  1. Click on Import to import existing questions,
  2. From the drop-down menu choose one of the following:
  • Upload a File to import questions from a file (only .csv and .zip files are supported)
  • Browse Question Library to import questions from the Question Library to this quiz
  1. Once you finish importing questions to your survey, click on Done Editing Questions

To import questions from Question Library, please continue to the following article: How to add questions to a Survey from Question Library

Import button and drop-down menu to upload files or browse question library


Now you know how to add questions to a Survey in Brightspace!

Want to know more about Surveys in Brightspace?

Please visit:


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