Manage Content | How to create a Checklist from the Content
It is possible to create a checklist for your course from the Content tab. For information on creating checklist from Course tools click here.
This article shows how to:
Create a Checklist from Content
First, navigate to the course where you want to create a checklist. Then in the green navigation bar;
1. Click on Content
2. Click the [(sub)module name]
3. In the module where you want to create the Checklist, click the button Existing Activities
4. From the drop-down menu, click Checklist

5. Click on Create New Checklist

This will open the Add Activity pop-up.
6. Enter a Name for the Checklist
7. (Optional) Enter a Description
8. Click Create and Insert to insert the checklist to the module in the Content immediately.
The option Create will create the Checklist and go back to the previous pop-up window (checklist overview); this will NOT yet add the checklist to the module.

The pop-out window closes and you fill find the created Checklist in the module of the Content view.
Manage a Checklist from the Content
1. Click on the inserted Checklist to edit it and add items

The created Checklist will be empty at first.
2. Click Add a New List to create a new list of items

By clicking on the Add a New List it will automatically create a List which will appear on the page with the default name List 1.
3. Click on the newly created list name List 1 to rename it (in this example we will rename it to "Literature").
4. Press Enter on your keyboard to save the change.

5. Click on Add a New Task to [name of the list] to add a new task to the list and give it a name (we will use "Read Chapter 1").

6. A new Task will appear in the Checklist with a default name Task 1. To change the name click on the [task name].

Repeat to add more new tasks to the list.
7. If needed, Add a due date to a specific task on the checklist
8. In the description of a task, it is possible to add videos, images, or quicklinks
9. Click the button Update

10. To add another list, click Add a New List. For this example a new list "Actions" is added.

All changes are automatically saved, so once the checklist is done you can go back to the content.

Now you know how to create a Checklist from Content in Brightspace!
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