Adding Content to a Course | How to share OneDrive files to Brightspace
You can store course material, files, folders, even data sets on your WUR OneDrive and then share it with your students.
This article shows:
Differences between sharing a file from Brightspace Content and from OneDrive
There are two options how you can share OneDrive files in your Brightspace Course. In the table below you can find the comparison of these two options, sharing from Brightspace Content using button Upload/Create and from OneDrive page directly:
Sharing options | Brightspace Content button Upload/Create | OneDrive page |
OneDrive file | ✔ |
✔ |
OneDrive folder | ✖ | ✔ |
sharing file for reading | ✔ |
✔ |
sharing file for online editing | ✖ | ✔ |
sharing file for downloading | ✔ |
✔ |
Access to shared file | Brightspace course Classlist | People in Wageningen University & Research with the link People with existing access Specific people |
Manual for instructions |
Sharing via Brightspace Content |
Sharing via OneDrive |
Sharing via Brightspace Content
Sharing OneDrive files or folders to your Brightspace course Content can be done directly from Brightspace, but you will have to have your file saved in OneDrive beforehand.
To access OneDrive through Brightspace follow the instructions in the manual Accessing OneDrive through Brightspace.
Once you have accessed OneDrive through Brightspace you will see the content of your OneDrive in the pop-up window in Brightspace.
- Click the folder to access the file you want to share

- Click on the file(s) in the folder that you want to share
- Then, click the button Add
In the same window but on the second tab in the view (Selected Documents) will now appear the selected file(s) you will be sharing in the Brightspace course Content page. This is because it is possible to share more than one file at the same time, by simply selecting the other file as well.

The OneDrive file(s) will now appear in the selected (sub)module of the Brightspace Content at the bottom of the existing list of items.

Your file now becomes an item in the Brightspace course content and you can further manage it: Move a topic within a module and Edit properties in Content, such as adding a Start Date, a Due Date, an End Date, adding a condition for releasing the file to the students (About Release Conditions), changing the visibility status of a topic, or just adding a description of the content.
Sharing via OneDrive
You have the possibility to share your OneDrive files also by directly going to your OneDrive content. There you have two options of how you can share the file or folder with your students:
For instructions on how to access your OneDrive directly please follow Accessing OneDrive through web browser.
Sharing via OneDrive file's URL link
In your OneDrive locate the file you would like to share. Then hover with your mouse over the file's name so the row turns gray. Now more icons appear to the left of the file's name.
- Click the vertical dots (Show actions)

A drop-down menu with options appears.
- Click Copy link

A window will pop-up with the URL link to the file's location on the OneDrive. Before you copy the URL you will have to select to whom you will give access to the file.
- Click the icon with the text People with existing access can use the link >

In the same pop-up window the system offers you options on who you can share the link with.
- Click the option you need for sharing your OneDrive file/folder
All WUR affiliated users will be able to access the file or folder, whether they receive the link directly from you or the link has been forwarded to them.
An additional option of Other settings appears where you can Allow editing of the file (selected by default) or restrict it (by unchecking the selectbox).
The feature of Allow editing of OneDrive files allows for the file to be edited online by different users who have access to it.
With this option you can share files and folders with people that already have been granted access to the file or folder.
It is possible to share the file with only the people you specify (although other people may have access, if the file was shared before from your OneDrive page). Only the recipients of the sharing invitation with the link to the OneDrive file/folder will gain access to it.
An additional option of Other settings appears where you can Allow editing of the file (selected by default) or restrict it (by unchecking the selectbox).
The feature of Allow editing of OneDrive files allows for the file to be edited online by different users who have access to it.
- Then, click the button Apply

This action will return you to the option to copy the URL of the OneDrive file to be shared with the selected sharing options.
- Click the button Copy

You have now saved the URL to the file you want to share into a memory. To use this link in Brightspace. follow the steps in the manual How to add a Weblink to a course.
Sharing via direct e-mail
In your OneDrive locate the file you would like to share. Then hover with your mouse over the file's name so the row turns gray. Now more icons appear to the left of the file's name.
- Click the vertical dots (Show actions)

A drop-down menu with options appears.
- Click Share

A window pops out where you can edit the sharing options, the audience of the file before sending the file.
- Adjust editing rights (The default option People you specify can edit is subject to the information in the following step 4)
- Type the name(s) of the people that have to receive the link (the wur address book is connected)
Optional: Add a message
- Click the button Send

The system will show a confirmation window of the sending of the file.
When sharing the OneDrive file via email, it will not be added to the Brightspace course Content automatically. To add the link to the file/folder in your Brightspace course follow the instructions in the section Sharing via OneDrive file's URL link of this manual.
Now you know how to share a OneDrive file from Brightspace and from OneDrive!
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