Brightspace for LecturersBrightspace Help for Lecturers:Brightspace & Related Tools ManualsCONTENT: Manage ContentManage Content | How to set restrictions for Content modules and Content items

Manage Content | How to set restrictions for Content modules and Content items

Restrictions can be used to limit the access of students to an item in the Content of a course or even the whole (sub)module. It can be done by setting a start and/or end date, or some other condition for releasing the the content (e.g. having completed another part of the course first, having enrolled in a group, etc).

This manual will show:

How to set restrictions for a Content (sub)module

The content of the module will not be visible from the Content, however its items (such as Assignments, Quizzes, Surveys, Self Assessment, Groups, Discussion forums) can still be accessible through the green navigation bar.

To attach restrictions to Content (sub)module, first, navigate to your course. Then in the green navigation bar;

  1. Click on Content 
  2. Click the [(sub)module name]
  3. Click the field Add date and restrictions... below the module title in the main page
Navigate to your course and in the green naviagtion bar click Content. Then click the submodule or module for which you want to add the restrictions. Its contents will appear to the right where below the module or submodule title will appear field Add dates and restrictions. Click this field to add restrictions.

This action will open the options on when a Content (sub)module becomes available by adding dates (start, due, end) and how it becomes available by creating Release conditions.

The field becomes editable and more options will become visible.

  1. Add a Start, a Due or an End Date to your file
  2. Set a release condition:
    • click the button Create in order to create a new Release Condition
    • click the button Browse in order to add an existing (previously created) Release Condition
  3. Click Update to save all the modifications

When setting multiple Release conditions for one Content item be aware that you need to choose whether All conditions must be met (default) or Any condition must be met (clickable field appears below the attached release conditions) for the Content item to become available to the student.

Clicking the Add dates and restrictions field below the submodule's or module's name options for setting start date, due date, end date appear as well as buttons for setting release conditions. For finishing the process click the button Update.

To check how your newly restrictions look for students you can impersonate a dummy student (see Test your course as a student: impersonate a dummy student).

Example: Content (sub)module with restrictions

In this example you can see that the module has restrictions on when it becomes available using the Start date, the End date, the Due Date. It also has a restriction on how it becomes available to students using the Release condition of being a member of a Brightspace group. Since there is only one condition attached the default option All conditions must be met has been left as is.

The lecturer view of the course Content items you set restrictions for:

example of restrictions for a Content module

For a student not enrolled in the group that is used as a condition, the module is not visible in the Table of Contents.

The student view (using Dummy student impersonation) of the same course Content items you set restrictions for:

How to set restrictions for a Content item

Navigate to your course in Brightspace, then in the green navigation bar

  1. Click Content
  2. Click the [(sub)module name] to open its contents to the right of the Table of Contents vertical bar
  3. Click on the arrow beside the name of the file you want to set restrictions for
  4. In the drop-down menu, click Edit Properties in Place
Navigate to your course, click Content in the green navigation bar then click the module where the content item is located. This will appear to the right of the vertical Table of Contents bar. Then click the downward arrow of the content item to open the drop-down menu where you click Edit Properties in Place.

This action will allow the modification of different properties of the item in the Content. From the properties that appear

5. Click the field Add dates and restrictions...

Add dates and Content

The field becomes editable and more options will become visible.

6. Add a Start, a Due or an End Date to your file

7. Set a release condition:

  • click the button Create in order to create a new Release Condition
  • click the button Browse in order to add an existing (previously created) Release Condition

8. Click Update to save all the modifications

When setting multiple Release conditions for one Content item be aware that you choose whether All conditions must be met or Any condition must be met for the Content item to become available to the student.

Set restrictions ro content items

The restrictions are now linked to the Content topic and will take effect immediately.

To check how your newly restrictions look for students you can impersonate a dummy student (see Test your course as a student: impersonate a dummy student).

Example: Content item with restrictions

In this example you can see there is an Assignment with restrictions on when it is due (Due date) and how it becomes available using two Release conditions - a content topic needs to be completed and the student has to be member of a specific group. In this case All conditions must be met has been selected as the requirement to access this Content item (an assignment) was to both be member of a group and have completed the content item.

The lecturer view of the course Content items you set restrictions for:

Restrictions lined to topic

The student view (using Dummy student impersonation) of the same course Content items you set restrictions for:

student view of the content item with restriction

Now you know how to set restrictions for Content (sub)modules and Content items in Brightspace!


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