Course Home | How to create a Calendar event

If you wish to create events for your course(s) that have specific dates and audiences you can do so also via the Calendar homepage.

This article shows how to:

Access a Calendar

Access the Calendar homepage either from the WUR Brightspace homepage or from your course homepage.

  1. Click on the arrow next to Calendar
  2. Click on Go to Calendar
WUR Brightspace homepage - Calendar

You have now accessed the Calendar homepage.

  1. Select the calendar in which you want to create a new event
  2. Click the button Create Event
Calendar page - Lecturer view - settings option

This will take you to a new page with options and settings for the new event you are about to create.

Create Event page

On the Create Event page you will see the following:

Create event page overview

1. Title

Add Title of the event, and optionally add Content of the course.

If you decide to Add Content via the button to the event/activity, a window pops out with the modules of the course. Click on the Selectbox in front of the module to add the whole module, or click on the module to open more options.

When you make your selection, click Add. The added content will appear as a link.

Create Event - Add Content button

2. Description

Add Description for students to easily understand the activity/event that awaits them. Using the text editor you can link other activities to the event (How to add text in the Editor).

3. Attendees

Choose Attendees of the event; whether the event/activity is for the whole class or only for certain Brightspace group(s):

  • you can select from the drop-down menu - the section (4) When will then apply for this chosen audience
Create Event - choose Attendees drop-down menu


  • you can click the button Add Groups/Sections - you will be able to add different dates, recurrence, restriction, and location for each added group (the section (4) When will be open as a block for each group you add using this button)
Create Event - choose Add Group button

4. When

Choose When the event/activity should take place. You can combine the different options available here:

Create Event - When options
4.1. All day

Click the Selectbox if the duration of the event/activity does not have a start time and/or end time.

You are still able to choose the Start date and End date if the event spans over more than 1 day.

Create Event - When options - All day
4.2. Start and End date & time

Here you can specify the dates and time of the event/activity.

4.3. Add Recurrence

Click this button to add Recurrence to the event/activity.

Create Event - When options - Recurrence

You can choose:

  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Annually for the recurrence
  • The repetition cycle
  • When the recurring event will end.
  • To delete the recurrence, click on the X in the upper right corner of this box.
4.4. Add Restriction

Click this button to add restrictions on the visibility of the event/activity.

Create Event - When options - Restrictions

Event Visibility options:

  • Hidden until - gives you the option to choose the visibility range in Days/Hours/Minutes before the event starts
  • Hidden starting - gives you the option to choose the visibility range in Days/Hours/Minutes after the event ends
  • Visible between - gives you the option to choose the Start and End date & time of the event's visibility
  • Hidden - choosing this option will make the event hidden from all

5. Location

Here you can type the Location of the event/activity. You can add information in the form of a text (e.g. Online, URL, address) to indicate where this event will take place.

Create Event - Location


Once you set up the calendar event (making use of the options 1-5), do not forget to click the blue button Create to save and add it to the course calendar.

Delete an existing calendar event

Navigate to the Calendar tab of the Brightspace course from your course homepage which can be found on the bottom right of the course page.

  1. Click on downward arrow next to Upcoming events
  2. Click on the event under Upcoming events that you would like to delete

In the new landing page, you will see the calendar event.

  1. Click downward arrow next to event name
  2. Click option Delete event
  1. Click Yes on the pop up window to confirm.

Now you know how to create and delete a Calendar event in Brightspace!


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