Rubrics | How to use Rubrics to grade Assignments

You can use rubrics to evaluate assignment submissions and discussion activities. This article will show you an example of how to evaluate student assignments submissions using a rubric.

This article shows how to:

Be aware that editing a Rubric will no longer be possible when you start grading assignments using the Rubric. To make changes within the Rubric it needs to be de-linked from the Assignment and then linked back to the Assignment.

Evaluate an Assignment using Rubrics

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Assessments, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click on Assignments
navigate to assessment and then click assignments
  1. Click on the arrow next to the name of the assignment
  2. Click View Submissions
click the arrow next to assignment name and then click view submissions
  1. Click on the name of the student you want to check the submissions for. In this case, click on Dummy student. This will lead you to the student submissions page
in the users tab, click the student name, in this case, click on dummy student
  1. In the student submissions page, click on the file name to open it
  2. Click on the rubric name at the right side of the screen. This will open a new window with the rubric
click on the file name to open the submission, and then click rubric for assignment to evaluate it according to the rubric
  1. To evaluate the student's submission, click on the level box for each criterion
  2. Once all the levels are evaluated, click Close. This will take you back to the student submission screen
click on the boxes of the rubric to assign points. click close when you finish the evaluation

In the student submissions page, you will see the score received by the student.

  1. (Optional) You can modify the Score manually
  2. (Optional) You can provide Feedback
  3. Click Update to save the changes
you can manually modify the score, when yo are ready, click update to save the changes
  1. Click Back to Submissions
click back to submiossions in the tope left side of the screen
  1. Click Grades in the green navigation bar
navigate to grades in the green bar menu

In the Grades page now you should be able to see the grade of the student synchronised.

This dummy student received 9.17 points out of 10 available points fort the grade item 'assignment2'. In this example, the grade that is shown to the student is 9 according to the grading scheme that is set.

now you will see the grades of the dummy student under the column assignment2

You can change the status of a rubric to Archived. to learn more about this check this article.


Now you know how to use and evaluate with a rubric in Brightspace!


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