Personal Settings | How to manage Notifications

This article explains how to control notifications about activity in (one of) your courses. After reading this, you will be able to manage your preferences about this activity.

Managing notifications

In your course home, navigate to your personal profile,

1. Click on your name or profile picture

Click on your name on homepage

This action will open a drop down menu

2. Click on Notifications

Click on Notifications to manage notification

This action will open the Notifications page, allowing you to change multiple options:

Multiple notifications options will follow
1. Contact Methods

Modify your email settings, and check whether the indicated email address is the correct one.
If you want to change the email settings:

Click Change your email settings

Change email settings
2. Summary of Activity

Here you can indicate your preferences on how often you would like to receive the summary of activities. These can be sent out either:  Never, Daily or Weekly.

Click on the downward arrow to choose the frequency

Click how often you want the summary: dailiy never weekly
3. Instant Notifications

This shows you an extensive list of subjects that you can receive email notifications from. If you want to install notifications for a certain activity simply

Tick the box

Tick box for Instant notifications settings
4. Customise Notifications

Include my grade value in notifications from Grades is set as a default option

If you want to receive notifications from courses that are being taught in the next period

Tick the box Allow future courses to send me notifications

Tick box next to allow future courses to send me notifications, only if you want to receive notifications
5. Exclude Some Courses

Exclude the courses you do not wish to get a notification of. If you wish to exclude courses from the notifications

1. Click Manage my course exclusions

Click on Manage my course exclusions to exclude courses

This action will open a pop-up page.

2.  Click Exclude All Courses or click the x to manually exclude courses or

3. Click gray Close Button


Click Exclude all courses or click on x to manually exclude courses

The pop-up page will close.

Once you have adjusted the notification settings to your personal preferences

4. Click the blue Save button.

Click blue Save button

Now you know how to successfully manage your notifications!

Want to know more about personal settings? Please visit:


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