Course Design and Set-Up | Examples of a course set-up in Brightspace

This article will show different types of course content organisation in Brightspace:

Additionally, you can also review Showcases of course set-up in Brightspace.

Course Structure by Weeks

The content of the course and its activities are organised into modules of Weeks:

Course structure by weeks

For instructions on how to create modules and submodules please visit: How to create a (sub)module in Content

Course Structure by Type of Content

The course content and activities are organised by type of content, e.g. Lectures, Assignment, Self-study, Literature, etc.

Course structure by type of content

For instructions on how to create modules and submodules please visit: How to create a (sub)module in Content

Course Structure by Theme / Topic

The course content and activities are organised by themes or topics:

Course structure by theme / topic (topics)

For instructions on how to create modules and submodules please visit: How to create a (sub)module in Content

Showcases of Learning Activities

Additionally, you can review the following Showcases, real life examples, of a course set up:


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