Question Library | How to use the Question Library

The Question Library works as a repository of questions that can be used in Quizzes, Surveys and Self-Assessments in Brightspace.  

This article shows how to:

Through Quizzes

In your Brightspace course, navigate to the green navigation bar.

  1. Click on Assessment
  2. From the drop-down menu click on Quizzes
Click Assessment, then click Quizzes

On the Quizzes homepage,

  1. Click the tab Question Library to open the Question Library
Click Question Library tab
Through Surveys

In your Brightspace course, navigate to the green navigation bar.

  1. Click on Assessment
  2. From the drop-down menu click on Surveys

On the Surveys homepage,

  1. Click the tab Question Library to open the Question Library
Through Self-Assessments

In your Brightspace course, navigate to the green navigation bar.

  1. Click on Assessment
  2. From the drop-down menu click on Self Assessments

On the Self-Assessments homepage,

  1. Click the tab Question Library to open the Question Library

In the Question Library homepage you will see the list of questions and sections but only those created via/added to the Quiz Library.  

4. Add questions by clicking either New or Import

Question Library - button New and button Import

You have two options for adding questions:

  • Create new questions (blue button New)
  • Import questions (grey button Import)
    • From a file (Upload a File - .csv and .zip files are supported)
    • Search questions from other quizzes in the course (Browse Existing Questions)

Importing existing questions to the Question Library

When browsing existing questions, it is also possible to use the search function to find specific questions.

In the Question Library:

  1. Click Import
  2. From the drop-down menu click Browse Existing Questions
Click Import button, then click Browse Existing Questions

A sidebar to Browse Existing Questions will open with options to browse for questions of other course quizzes where you can use different filters to search for/review existing questions (1 - 5):

Browse Existing Questions sidebar explanation
Filters in Browse Existing Questions

The following filter options can help you narrow down your search for questions to be added to the quiz:

  1. Search by title or text
  2. Search by (quiz) source (different quizzes within the course page)
  3. Filter by Question type - filter applies only to the Source selected
  4. Sort by Question type, or Points (Low to High/ High to Low), or Title or Text (A to Z / Z to A) - sorts only the results of the source selected
  5. Preview the question

When one of the filters is used, the questions appear in the list. 

To add the searched questions to the Question Library

  1. Click the Selectbox of the question(s) to be added
  2. Click the blue button Import

Questions that have been already added to the Quiz Question library will indicate so underneath the name of the question with a check mark and a text Already Imported.


The selected questions will be added to the Question Library at the bottom of the list. To finish

  1. Click the blue button Done Editing Questions in the upper right corner
Click Done Editing Question to finish

You will be taken back to the Manage Quizzes/Surveys/Self-Assessments homepage, depending on how you navigated to the Question Library.


Now you know how to use the Question Library in Brightspace!


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