H5P | How to reuse and duplicate H5P content

As you may have already discovered in the article How to set up H5P, H5P offers a big range of tools and possibilities. Here you will learn more of the options that H5P includes.

This article shows how to:

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How to reuse H5P content

When you want to reuse your H5P content within Brightspace, for example in another course, do not copy the content, but simply insert the particular H5P content from your H5P folder into the new course:

  1. Navigate to Content in your course
navigate to content in the navbar
  1. Navigate to the module where you want to add interactive content
  2. Click Upload/Create

On the drop-down menu,

  1. Click Create a File

This will take you to the Create File homepage.

click upload/create, then click create a file
  1. Add a title for your new H5P file
  2. Click the Insert Stuff button. A pop-up window will open
add a title for your item and click the add stuff button in the top left of the text box
  1. Scroll down the Insert stuff pop-up and click on H5P content
  1. Click on your personal folder for H5P content
you will see the new folder created. Click on it
  1. Click Insert next to the name of the H5P item you want to reuse
click the insert button at the right side of the items name you want to reuse

The next window will show you a preview of the content to be inserted.

  1. When you are satisfied with the result, click Insert
check if the item content is ready. Then click insert

Now the H5P content has been created and inserted into your module.

How to clone H5P content

You can clone your H5P content and modify the new item when you want to use an adapted version of your original content. To do so:

  1. Navigate to your H5P folder according to the previous section
  2. Click the three dots button on the top right of the window. A small dropdown menu will open
  3. Click Clone
navigate to your folder in the H5P window. click three dots at the right side of the item line, click clone

Now a new screen will appear where you can modify the content of the new cloned item.

  1. Add a name to the new item in the Title box
  2. Modify the item content as you need
  3. Click Clone and Insert
add the information and modify your new cloned ite. Press clone and insert when you are ready

The next window will show you a preview of the content to be cloned and inserted.

  1. When you are satisfied with the result, click Insert
check if the item content is ready. Then click insert

You have now cloned and modified and H5P item and inserted it into your course module.


Now you know to reuse and duplicate H5P content!

Want to know more about H5P? Please visit:


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