Intelligent Agents | How to test an Intelligent Agent

After an Intelligent Agent has been created, it is important to test if it has been set up correctly. If it will be able to recognize the right criteria and execute the right actions. 

How to test if an Intelligent Agent has been set up correctly

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click Course tools, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click Intelligent Agents
Agent List - Practice Course [carlos.serranofajardo] - Wageningen University & Research - Google Chrome

You will land on the Agent List homepage.

  1. Click the arrow next to the name of the Intelligent Agent you want to test
  2. From the drop-down menu click on Practice Run
Agent list homepage

A pop-up window will show a confirmation message reminding that the Practice run will activate the Intelligent Agent but will not send emails to the users.

  1. Click Run in the pop-up message
Confirmation popup window. Click Run to run the agent.

You will see now the following screen verifying that the process was executed successfully.

  1. Click Done
Agent run confirmation. Click Done to continue.

You will return to the Agents List page where an icon appears next to the Intelligent agent for which you executed a Practice Run.

Right after requesting a Practice Run, an icon may appear next to the Intelligent Agent name. This indicates that the Intelligent Agent is executing the Practice Run. The icon disappears once finished.

Blue gear icon next to agent's name. It will dissapear when the agent run is completed.

After the icon disappears, it is necessary to check whether the right action was performed when the Intelligent Agent was activated.

  1. Click the arrow next to the name of the Intelligent Agent you want to test
  2. Click View History
agent list homepage. Click the arrow next to agent's name and then click view history.

You will land on the Intelligent Agent History page

  1. Under column Result, click # users identified
intelligent agent history. Click #users identified.

A page will open with the names of the users that the Intelligent Agent acts on. Since this is a Practice Run, no real action has been taken by the Intelligent Agent.

agents actions history

If you can see the right users, then the Intelligent Agent has been configured successfully!


Now you know how to test an Intelligent Agent in Brightspace!


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