Adding Content to a Course | How to add Math using MathML and LaTeX

Brightspace incorporates different tools to add formulas and equations into content. This is made possible via the HTML-editor tool. The editor supports the input of the equations graphical editor as you may have already discovered in the article How to insert a Graphical Equation to the Editor. However, there are other tools supported by Brightspace to easily insert equations and formulas, such as MathML and LaTeX.

This article shows how to:

Navigate to the editor

To enter equations in MathML or LaTeX code, first, navigate to the editor box where you would like to add them. Then, follow the next steps:

1. Click on the three dots icon to view all the options if the formula editing icon does not appear on the screen

2. Click on the arrow next to the Graphical equation icon. A drop-down menu will open

3. Click on MathML equation or LaTeX equation. A pop-up window will open to insert the equations

To create the code in MathML or LaTeX language, you can use a visual math editor to assist you in the process. Here it is a free online editor that you can use: Go to Using a visual math editor to learn more.

editor screen to add equations. click the sigma symbol

Using a visual math editor

As mentioned in the previous sections, it may be handy to use a visual math editor in order to generate a validated code that could be entered in Brightspace as MathML or LaTeX code. In this section we will show how the tool Visual Math Editor works. This is an online tool, but any other visual math editor compatible with LaTeX and MathML languages are also valid.

1. Go to the website

2. Click on Get started now. A pop-up window will open with the editor view

Visual Math Editor homepage

3. In the pop-up window, use the formula options at the left and right sides of the screen to add the symbols or operations you want to include in the code. The code will automatically be added in the central screen area. A preview of the formula will appear below

visual math editor screen

Once your equation is ready, copy the corresponding code format you want to use by following one of these two options:

Now you know the basics about using this visual math editor with MathML and LaTeX coding languages!


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