Course Design and Set-Up | How to edit properties and move a topic in Content

Content can be organised by changing the order of modules or topics, moving topics from one module to another, and nesting one module within another.

This article will show how to:

Edit Properties In-place of a Topic

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar,

1. Click on Content

2. Navigate to the (sub) module where the topic is located

3. Click on the downward arrow next to the topic name

4. Click on Edit Properties In-place

Navigate to Edit Properties In-place

More editing options will appear,

Edit properties in-place
  1. (Optional) Add dates and restrictions... - to add a start, due and end date as well as restrictions
  2. (Optional) Add a description...  to add a short description about the topic
  3. Eye icon - to make an icon visible or invisible
  4. (Optional) Completion method, a drop down menu will appear,
  5. Select the completion method of the topic:
    • Required: Automatic - completion of the topic will be made automatically
    • Required: Manual - completion has to be made manually by the students
    • Not Required - completion of the topic will not be made
  6. Bin icon -  to delete the item

When selecting Required: Manual students can keep track on their own progress

Move a Topic within a Module

There are two different ways to move a topic within a module

1. Drag and drop
  1. Position the cursor on the dots next to the topic you want to move
  2. Drag and drop the topic

By dragging and dropping, topics can be moved within the (sub) module or to a different (sub) module

Drag and drop item
2. From the drop-down menu

Moving a topic within the module

1. Click on the downward arrow next to the topic name, a drop-down menu will appear, scroll down

2. Click on Move up - to move the topic upwards


Move Down - to move the topic downwards

Via the drop-down menu, topics can be moved from only one position

Moving a topic to a different module

1. Click on the downward arrow next to the topic name, a drop-down menu will appear, scroll down

2. Click on Move to - to move the topic to a different module

Drop-down menu for moving items

A pop-up window will open, displaying the different modules of the course

3. Select the module

4. Click on Move

Move to pop up window


Now you know about Editing properties In-place and Moving a Topic in Content!


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