Statistics | How to enable students to track the content they have already seen
Using Completion Tracking, students will be able to keep track of what content they already viewed or studies. Students will then select the box behind the topic when they completed it. In the Table of Contents of the course, the number behind module names indicates for students, how many "to complete" topics the module consists of. For students, this number will be updated with every box they select. In this way, students are able to easily see how many items they have to complete per week/subject.
This article shows how to:
The default setting for Completion Tracking is on (Required: Manual).
How change the settings for completion tracking
In the Homepage, navigate to Content and select a module for which you want to set up/check the settings for completion tracking.
On the right side of the modules title;
1. Click on the downward arrow, to expand all the options and then
2. Click on Set All Completion

In the Set all Completion pop-up window,
3. Select one of the given options;
- Required: Automatic (after students have visited the content topic once, it will show completed),
- Required: Manual (the content topic will show completed once students tick off the corresponding box), and
- Not Required (no tick box is shown, students now do not have the possibility to track which topics they have already completed)
4. Click on Update

At the WUR, the default and preferred setting is Required: Manual.
How to check which completion tracking option is selected
For each content topic, a different type of completion tracking can be selected (but it is not recommended!). This can be checked easily as is shown below.

1. Required: Automatic
2. Required: Manual - Recommended
3. Not Required
These settings can be adjusted for each content topic by clicking on the icons.
Student view
In the image, the content page of student preview with Completion Tracking activated is shown.

1. The module "Course Information" is opened. This topic still has 2 topics to complete (see number behind module)
2. The progression bar indicated the total amount of topics, which is 3 in this case. The student has already completed 1 out of the 3 items (33.33% 1 of 3 topics complete). This can also be seen by the ticked boxes on the page (1), or the number next to the module (3 - 2 = 1) (1)
When adding items to certain (sub)modules, the number next to the (sub)module will update automatically. If 3 more items are added to Course Information, the number would update to 5 (2 + 3).
Now you know how to enable students to track the content they have already seen, and how it looks from a student perspective in Brightspace!
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