HTML Editor | How to add text in the Editor

The HTML Editor integrates with all Brightspace Learning Environment tools that have HTML content creation capabilities. For example, the HTML Editor is available when you edit discussion topics, create custom instructions for assignments,  and create content topics.

This article shows how to:

Remember that the Editor tool can be found in many different locations within your course. For more information, please visit: where to find the Editor

Adding text

  1. Add a Title
  2. Click on the three dots icon on the top right corner of the text box
Add a Title, Click on the three dots icon on the top right corner of the text box

This will open more options in the formatting toolbar

Explanation of the toolbar

1. Formatting icons

There are several options to format your text

Formating tool bar

2. Media icons and more

There are several media icons and more insert options within the Editor,

media icons tool bar

3. Font Formatting Options

4. Extra components

The HTML Editor has four options to be able to view content,

Accessibility checker, word count, preview and source code

The Accessibility Checker does not replace real-user testing, especially when having interactive activities that are imported to the course.

  1. Accessibility Checker - to catch common accessibility issues on static HTML content and offer suggestions to help fix some issues on the spot
  2. Word Count - to display the word count
  3. Preview - to display the content and ensure that it displays as expected prior to saving any changes
  4. Source Code - to display the source editor view, it displays the code that structures and formats the content

5. More options

After clicking on the three dots, extra components will appear on the left side of the bottom bar in the HTML Editor

Undo and Redo icons
  1. Undo and Redo icons - to reverse a mistake or to restore a previously done action


Now you know how to add text in the Editor tool in Brightspace!


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