Intelligent Agents | How to manage an Intelligent Agent

Once you have Intelligent Agents created you can modify them the way you want. If you are looking to create an Intelligent Agent for the first time please check this article first: Intelligent Agents | How to create an Intelligent Agent

Enabling, disabling and removing an Intelligent Agent

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click Course tools, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click Intelligent Agents

You will land on the Agent List homepage.

  1. Check the select box at the left of the Intelligent Agent's name
  2. Above the table with the list of Intelligent Agents, click one of these options:
  • Enable - to enable the Intelligent Agent
  • Disable - to disable the Intelligent Agent
  • Delete - to delete the Intelligent Agent

You can also delete an Intelligent Agent by clicking on the arrow next to the agent's name. A drop-down menu will open. Click on Delete.

agents list homepage. Select agent and click enable/diasble/delete.

Restore an Intelligent Agent

If you deleted an Intelligent Agent, you can retrieve it and easily restore a deleted Intelligent Agent.

To do this, go to the Agent List home page and follow these instructions:

  1. Click on More Actions
  2. Click on Restore

This will take you to the Restore Agents page where you can see the deleted Intelligent Agents.

agents list homepage. Click More actions and then Restore.
  1. Click Restore in the right side of the agent's row to restore it
Restore agents page. Click Restore in the table under Action column.

The restored agent will appear again the Agent List page.

View history

It is possible to track the actions performed by an Intelligent Agent through history to see when and to whom an email has been sent by a specific Intelligent Agent. To do this, follow the next steps:

  1. Click on the arrow next to the agent's name
  2. Click on View History to open the agent's history page
Agents list homepage. Click arrow and then View History in the dropdown menu.

In the history page, you will see the actions performed in a form a table with following data:

  • Date - shows when the Intelligent Agent has evaluated.
  • Result - shows how many students met the criteria of that Intelligent Agent.
  • Type - shows the type of evaluation. This can be Manual Run, Practice Run or Scheduled Run.
  • Run By - shows whether the Intelligent Agent has been evaluated manually by a user or automatically by the system.
  1. Click on # users identified in the column Result
History page. Submission completed table. Click # users identified under Result column.

The history page of a specific agent's action will open. Here it is possible to see the list of students that received an action by the Intelligent Agent. 

By clicking Email sent, you can read the sent email if applicable.

Agent's history page. Click email sent to read the email sent by the agent.

Export Agent history to Excel

It is also possible to export the history to an Excel file. 

You can do this by two different ways:

via More Actions button
  1. Clicking the Selectbox at the left of the desired Intelligent Agent(s) name(s)
  2. Click on More Actions and then on Export Agent History
Agents list homepage. Click More actions and then Export Agent History.


via Agent dropdown menu
  1. Click on the arrow next to the desired Intelligent Agent's name
  2. Click on Export History
Agent List homepage. Click arrow next to agent's name. Then click Export History in the dropdown menu.

This will open the Export Agent History page.

  1. Under Select an Agent, click on the arrow and a drop-down menu will open. Choose the Agent(s) you want to export the history for
  2. Enter from which date (From This Date) to which date (To This Date) you want to export the history
  3. Click Export

You can optionally check the box Include Practice Runs to also export the practice runs of the agent.

Export Agent History page. Select agent name, set starting and end dat, click export.

A new page called Export Success will open. 

  1. Click on the link to download a .csv file containing the Intelligent Agents history. 
Export success page. Click on the link to download the file.

The file will be downloaded to your computer in the .csv format. 

To import a .csv file into Excel please follow the instructions of Microsoft.


Now you know how to manage an Intelligent Agent in Brightspace!

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