Classlist | How to create an export of the Classlist/group membership

When a list of students in a course or their membership of (a) group(s) within a course is required, it is possible to create an export of this information. This is not directly possible through the Classlist, but there is a workaround that can be used using the gradebook.

In the green navigation bar,

1. In the Grades icon, click on Gradebook

Click Grades in the green navigation bar

Depending on the settings in your course, the first tab to be opened will be Enter grades, if not, click Enter Grades right below the green navigation bar.

2. Click on Export

While in Enter grades tab, click on Export

3. Select which identifier to use:

  • For WUR-account select Org Defined ID
  • For email-address select Username
  • For both, select Both

When a list of group membership is desirable,

4. Tick the box Group Membership

If needed, First and Last Names can be included. Deselect all other boxes that are not required

Export Grades, Select Key field and User details Group Membership

Scroll down

Unless grades are to be included, deselect all grade item boxes to export a clean list of users and/or group membership

5. Click on Export to CSV for a .csv-file, or click on Export To Excel to create an Excel®-file

Deselect all grade items and click on either

Now you know how to create a Classlist export!


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