Classlist | How to e-mail specific (group of) users using the Classlist tool
In case you need to email only certain course participants within your Brightspace, you can do so by visiting the Classlist option under Communication in your Brightspace course page.
This article shows how to:
To access the email option in Classlist tool of your Brightspace page, navigate to the green navigation bar. Then,
- Click on Communication
- Click on Classlist

You will land on the Classlist homepage, where you will be able to filter your class participants based on certain criteria by which you will email only the selected participants.
Email selected users filtered by Group enrollment
In the Classlist homepage
- Click the grey button Email Classlist

A page Email Classlist will open where you are now able to select participants by a group.
The main search within the classlist will be with all users.
- Click on the drop-down menu to change the View By option
- Select option Groups
- Click on the button Apply

The Apply button only updates the View By option, not any search parameters!
The window refreshes with a new option of selecting the group category or categories available in your course, with their groups.
- Click on the drop-down menu to change the Groups option
- From the list click the name of the group category, or of a specific group within the group category
- Once a group category or group has been selected, click on Apply

The table with Classlist participants will be updated by the criteria selected by you.
- Click on the blue button Send Email at the bottom of the page to email the selected Classlist filtered by Group enrollment
A window will pop up with the selected participants already added to the Bcc field. You can continue filling out the Compose New Message page.
For more information on how to compose an email in Brightspace please visit: How to use the Email tool in Brightspace
Email selected users filtered by Role
In the Classlist homepage
- Click on the grey button Email Classlist

A page Email Classlist will open where you are now able to select participants by Role.
The main search within the classlist will be with all users.
- Make sure that the View By option has User selected
- In case you need to change it from Groups, first, click the drop-down menu to change the View By option. Then, select option User, and click the button Apply.
- Tick the Selectbox Role
- Click on the drop-down menu to select the role of the participant based on which you want to email the specific users
- Click on the magnifying glass icon in the field Search For... to confirm your selection
Roles available in your course can vary depending on your course participants and their status. To view all possible roles within Brightspace please visit: Roles and permissions in Brightspace

The table with Classlist participants will be updated by the criteria selected by you.
- Click on the blue button Send Email at the bottom of the page to email the selected Classlist filtered by Group enrollment
A page will open in a new browser tab with the selected participants already added to the Bcc field. You can continue filling out the Compose New Message page.
For more information on how to compose an email in Brightspace please visit: How to use the Email tool in Brightspace
Email selected users filtered by other criteria
Via Email Classlist option you can also select the specific user to whom you want to send an email by other criteria:

You can filter the users by:
- Entering the first name / last name / email into the field Search For...
- Flagged status of the users - either Flagged or Unflagged users
- Online status of the users - either Online or Offline users
- Last Accessed date of when users logged in - after a specific date (Start Date) and/or before a specific date (End Date)
To apply any of these selection criteria click the Magnifying Glass!
If no selection criteria are satisfied, the table overview with Classlist participants will show 0 Search Results.
If the selection criteria are satisfied, the system will return Search Results in the table overview listing those Classlist participants fulfilling the selection criteria.
To send an email to the selected users click the blue button Send Email below the Search Results table overview. A new tab in the browser will open with the selected users automatically added to the Bcc field of the Compose New Message page.
For more information on how to compose an email in Brightspace please visit: How to use the Email tool in Brightspace
Now you know how to email specific (group of) users in your Brightspace course using the Classlist tool!
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