Adding Content to a Course | Which files are supported by Brightspace? Best Practices
In this article you can review best practices on how to include course documents with step-by-step instructions.
Whatever the media type, it’s important to know the guidelines surrounding the publishing of copyright materials in Brightspace. The Library can assist.
For information about placing copyright materials in your course, please look here.
Videos from platforms such as Ted, YouTube, or Vimeo, can be directly embedded into Brightspace; see How to add an Audio file or a Video to a course
To ensure the correct layout is presented it is recommended to upload presentations as .pdf; especially when using the WUR-template. This is because Brightspace cannot display the cropped circles in the format used, and because the system might not read the older versions of Microsoft documents properly.
In PowerPoint, open the presentation to be exported.
1. Click File

2. Click Export
3. Click Create PDF/XPS Document
4. Click Create PDF/XPS

Select the location where the presentation needs to be saved
5. If needed, change the File name
6. When the file needs to be opened when saved, tick the box Open file after publishing
7. Select the Optimize for option - with Minimum size a heavier compression will be used to decrease file size
8. Click the button Options to select what needs to be exported

9. If needed, a custom selection or Range can be selected (for example when only the first part of a lecture is to be uploaded)
10. Under Publish what, select what needs to be exported. Options are:
- Slides - will export each slide to a page
- Handouts - will create handouts, it is possible to have 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 9 slides per page (11)
- Notes pages - will export the notes
- Outline view - will only export the text per slide
12. click OK

13. Click Publish
If a presentation does need to be uploaded to Brightspace as a PowerPoint (for example when students need to be able to edit it), steps can be taken to decrease the file size.
In PowerPoint, click any image in your presentation
1. Click Format
2. Click Compress Pictures
3. Apply only to this Picture has to be unticked (off), Delete cropped areas of pictures should be ticked (on)
4. Select the quality to be exported (options available depend on image quality of the source). Web will have a higher image quality than web, but at greater file size
5. Click OK

After the pop up window closes, and you have compressed the pictures, do not forget to save the presentation before closing it.
When uploading documents, it is recommended to only upload .pdf files.
Open your Word-file.
1. Click File

2. Click Export
3. Click Create PDF/XPS Document
4. Click Create PDF/XPS

Select a location where to save the file
5. Enter a File name
6. Tick the box Open file after publishing to automatically open the file .pdf after saving
7. Select the Optimize for setting - Minimum size will decrease file size by applying a higher compression
8. If needed, select extra Options, otherwise skip to step 11

9. Select the range of pages that need to be saved in the .pdf
10. Click OK

11. Click Publish

When using an Excel-file, be aware that Brightspace will preview the file in portrait mode; any information outside the width of the portrait will not be visible:
- when the spreadsheet contains a list of people (for example a group division), export the file to .pdf (see below)
- when the spreadsheet is used because of Excel-functions for calculations etc., and/or the information does not fit in portrait, give instructions to download the file
- when using a .csv file, no preview is available. Downloading the file is the only way to view these documents
Open the Excel-file.
1. Click Page Layout
2. Click Orientation
3. Select Portrait

4. Click Size
5. Select A4

6. A dotted line will appear to indicate the cells that will be the outline of the page

Open the Excel-file to be exported
1. Click File

2. Click Export
3. Click Create PDF/XPS Document
4. Click Create PDF/XPS

Select a location to save the file
5. Enter a File name
6. Tick the box Open file after publishing to automatically open the .pdf file after saving
7. Select the Optimize for setting; Minimum size will decrease file size by applying a higher compression
8. If needed, select extra Options, otherwise skip to step 12
9. Select whether All pages have to be exported, or a Page rage
10. Select what needs to be exported;
- Selection will only export the currently selected cells
- Active sheet(s) will export the currently selected sheet(s)
- Entire workbook will export all sheets
Ignore print areas will exclude the cells selected as print area from the export
11. Click OK

12. Click Publish

Other file types
SCORM specifies that a SCORM-package should:
- Be packaged in a ZIP file. (the imsmanifest.xml should be a the root of the zip)
- Be described in an XML file. (The imsmanifest.xml file)
- Communicate via JavaScript.
- Sequence using rules in XML. (if SCO’s excists)
- SCORM is composed of three sub-specifications
The Content Packaging section specifies how content should be packaged and described. It is based primarily on XML. (This should be done by the creator of the package)
The Run-Time section specifies how content should be launched and how it communicates with the LMS. It is based primarily on ECMAScript (JavaScript).
The Sequencing section specifies how the learner can navigate between parts of the course (SCOs). It is defined by a set of rules and attributes written in XML. (These are settings in the LMS if you have an overall score or for every individual SCO)
If the everything is correct you can import the package in Brightspace otherwise it must be copied to the LMS as separate files (manual)
Now you know about the files supported by Brightspace!
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