Quizzes | How to create a Quiz

Lecturers can use the Quizzes tool to assess students while using pre-set questions.

This article shows how to:

How to create a Quiz

Navigate to your course page. Then, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Assessment
  2. Click on Quizzes
Click Assessment, then click Quizzes

This action will direct you on the Quizzes' homepage

  1. Click on New Quiz
Quizzes homepage - click New Quiz button

On the left side of the page, you will see the most common settings used in a Quiz. On the right, you will see drop-down menus that will allow you to change more settings (links to Availability Dates & Conditions; Timing & Display; Attempts & Completion; Evaluation & Feedback).

Quiz homepage

1. Set Title , Grade and Due Date

On the upper left pane of the window view you can set:

  1. Name - Give The Quiz a title
  2. Grade out Of - Set the Points, link to an existing grade item or create a new
  3. Due Day - Set the day and time students need to submit this quiz
  4. (Optional) Description - Add Description text to the quiz. This text will also appear as a description of the item when you add it to the course Content 
Name, Garde, Due date and description

For further information,  visit:  How to create a Grade Item

2. Add questions to the Quiz

At this point you can add existing questions. You can do so by selecting one of the available options;

  • Upload a file - import a file of questions from your computer
  • Browse Question Library - import questions from Question Library
Add Qs

For more information visit the articles Quizzes | How to add questions to a Quiz from Question Library

Alternatively you can  create new ones, by selection one of the available options:

  • New Question - create a new question
  • Section - add a section to your quiz where you can later add more questions
  • Question Pool - allow you to set the number of questions that you wish to randomly picked up from a larger pool of questions of your selection
Create New Qs

For more information visit the article Quizzes | How to add Questions to a quiz

3. Adjust the Quiz settings

In this section you can go through the various categories and adjust the availability of the quiz, time, attempts and evaluation.

1. Availability Dates & Conditons, 2. Timing & Display, 3.Attempts & Completion,4. Evaluation&Feedback
Option Action More information

1. Availability Dates & Conditions

  • Set Start and End Date
  • Set Release conditions
  • Give special access to students
  • Set a password
  • Set IP Restrictions
Quizzes | How to set restrictions to a Quiz

2. Timing & Display

  • Set the desired time for a quiz
  • Shuffle Quiz Questions
  • Allow hints
  • Adjust Header and Footer
Quizzes | How to edit quiz question visibility and properties
3. Attempts & Completion
  • Set the number of attempts
  • Set the category of the quiz
  • Set the Notification email

4. Evaluation & Feedback
  • Set the way that the grades will be published
  • Adjust the submissions view
  • Customize Quiz Results Display
  • Manage Learning objectives
Quizzes | How to set quiz submission views for student

4. How to Save the Quiz

Once you have finished creating the quiz, you save it, make the quiz visible or hidden for students.

Save and Close, Save, Cancel and Visibility
  1. Save and Close  - to save and close the current Quiz settings and return to the Quizzes homepage
  2. Save - to save the current Quiz Settings
  3. Cancel - to not save a recently created quiz or to not save editing changes in an already existing quiz
  4. Visibility - to make the Quiz visible/invisible to students


Now you know how to create a Quiz in Brightspace!

Want to know more about Quizzes in Brightspace?

Please visit:


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