Grades | How to create a Grade Item/Grade Category

Grade Items are all components of a graded course and will be visible in the grade book. Grade items are used to:

  • grade students' performance on their study performance
  • keep an overview of student results
  • control the way results are communicated to students

Grade items can be used to grade assessments; including assignments, quizzes and discussions. These assessments can only be graded when linked to a grade item.

Categories are a way to organise different Grade Items by linking them together to the same Category, which can be used in the Final Grade Calculation. This will also group them in the Enter Grades and Manage Grades windows.

This article shows how to:

It is highly recommended to create grade items before creating assessments

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar,

  1. Click on Grades 

It is also possible to create a grade item through an Assessment. For clarity, it is often easier to create all grade items first.

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar click on Grades

This will open the Grades homepage,

  1. Click on the Manage Grades tab
In the Grades homepage, click on Manage Grades tab

The Manage Grades homepage will open,

  1. Click on the blue button New, a drop-down menu will appear
In the Manage Grades homepage, click on the blue button New, a drop-down menu will appear

In the drop-down menu,

4. Select one of the following options:



In the drop-down menu, click on Item or Category


Now you know how to create a Grade Item/Grade Category in Brightspace!

Want to know more about the Grades tool in Brightspace?

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