Assignments | How to copy an Assignment

Assignments are used to easily assess and evaluate the work of students. Lecturers can use the Assignment tool to create, edit and copy Assignments for their course activities.

This article shows how to:

In your Course homepage, in the green navigation,

1. Click on Assessment, a drop-down menu will appear

2. Click on Assignments

Navigate to your course, then in the green navigation bar, a drop-down menu will appear, click on Assignments

Copying an Assignment

The Assignment homepage will open,

1. Click on the downward arrow next to the Assignment name, a drop-down menu will appear

2. Click on Copy Assignment

Assignment homepage, next to the Assignment name click on the downward arrow, a drop-down menu will appear click on Copy Assignment

This will open the Copied Assignment page. It is possible to directly edit the copied assignment

Copied Assignment homepage

Copying an assignment to other courses you teach

If you teach several courses you can copy your assignments from one of your courses to another.

Only users with the roles of Course Coordinator, Course Administrator, Lecturer, Teaching Assistant and Student Assistant have the permission to Copy Assignments to other Courses.

In the Assignment homepage:

1. Click on the downward arrow next to the Assignment name, a drop-down menu will appear

2. Click on Copy to Other Courses

This will open the Copy Assignments dialog.

  1. Here you can select if you want to copy the assignment with the associated rubric and grade item.
  2. The Choose Destinations  area enables you to search by keyword or semester to find the destination courses for the assignment. Only course offerings for which a user has the Copy to Other Courses permission appear in the Choose Destinations list. By default, the maximum number of courses you can select is 10.  

What can be copied, what not

Assignment attributes
Can be copied Assignment attributes
Cannot be copied 
Assignment folder with instructions, assignment categories and visibility ✔️
Instruction quicklinks and attachment resources created with the Attach link to existing activity action

Description and attachments (direct file attachments, uploaded from Google Workspace or OneDrive, and audio and video files) ✔️
Instruction images added using Insert Image that were saved to course files

Grade item and grade category ✔️
Availability release conditions and special access settings 

Availability dates ✔️
Submission and completion information including group assignment designation

Submission and completion information (with optional grade item and course scheme) ✔️
Evaluation and Feedback information including Turnitin associations, competency, and outcome associations

Rubric(s) associated with the assignment*
Content topic associations (for example, if the assignment is linked from content) 

* When copying an assignment that uses a shared rubric, the rubric is also copied. The copied assignment links to the copied rubric. If an assignment uses a rubric that is archived, the rubric is copied and retains the archived state in the destination courses

In some cases, references to links and images that are not copied may result in broken links. 


Now you know how to Copy an Assignment in Brightspace!


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