Adding Content to a Course | How to access OneDrive files in Brightspace
All WUR-accounts also have an Office365 account that includes OneDrive. Microsoft OneDrive is an online storage platform that can also be used to share documents or upload files from/to.
This article shows how to:
To log into OneDrive simply use your WUR-email and WUR-credentials.
Accessing OneDrive through Brightspace
Each Brightspace course environment has the option to link OneDrive content (files, folders) to the Content of the course. To do so, first you will have to access the OneDrive content. Navigate to your Brightspace course, then,
- Click Content in the green navigation bar
- Select the (sub)module where you want to create the link to OneDrive content
- Click the blue button Upload / Create
- From the drop-down menu, click Upload Files

- In the pop-up window, click OneDrive Files

If it is your first time accessing OneDrive through Brightspace you will have to:
- Click the button Sign in to your Office365 account

If you are accessing your Brightspace and OneDrive from campus or through WUR VPN you will be automatically logged into your Microsoft account of WUR.
Not the case? Then continue to Accessing OneDrive from outside WUR? to follow the steps.
You will now see the content of your OneDrive in the same pop-up window from where you are able to choose the files you want to share to the Brightspace Content of your course.

For instructions on how to share files please follow the steps in the manual How to share OneDrive files to Brightspace, section Sharing via Brightspace Content.
This option appears only if you are accessing your OneDrive or Brightspace from home and/or through public internet connection (without WUR VPN).
After the Step 6 a new tab in the browser opens. There:
- Type your WUR e-mail address ([email protected])
- Click the blue button Next

A new page appears with request for permissions where
- Click Accept

You will now be redirected back to the Brightspace course and your OneDrive content is available to be linked to Content.
Accessing OneDrive through web browser
You can also access your WUR OneDrive through a web browser. It is set up to accept your WUR-credentials through the single-sign-on system.
Open a web browser on your computer. Then,
- Type (or copy) in the browser address bar
- Type your WUR-email address ([email protected])
- Click the button Next

If not yet previously logged onto a WUR-service:
- OneDrive will redirect you to the login page of the WUR.
- Fill in your credentials (WUR email and WUR password) and click Sign-in.
You might be asked to authenticate your access to the WUR-service with a code sent to your phone.
If you are connecting to your OneDrive from campus, using WUR Wi-Fi, or from home using WUR pc (and/or VPN) you will be redirected to your OneDrive content automatically.
If you already logged on before (whether using a private Wi-Fi / device, or WUR network / device), the OneDrive page remembers your credentials and redirects you to your OneDrive page.
You are now logged onto OneDrive using your WUR-account and have access to the content of your OneDrive, where you can upload, download, edit, and share files and folders.
For instructions on how to share OneDrive files visit How to share OneDrive files to Brightspace

For further general information on OneDrive visit
Now you know how to access OneDrive through Brightspace and a web browser!
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