YuJa | How to search videos in the YuJa Media Chooser
As there are tens of thousands of videos in the YuJa platform, finding the exact video can be quite challenging.
The search functionality of the YuJa Media Chooser works exactly the same as in the browser of https://wur.yuja.com/.
This article shows how to:
General tips
- If you wish to use multiple search terms, you can use the Advanced Search Console. A more detailed explanation of the Advanced Search Console can be found below
- The search goes through all of the videos, and also through all of the keywords. These keywords can be in the transcript of the video, in the index of the video, but it can also be the name of the presenter, the title of the video, etc. A search term such as "food" is not likely to result in finding the video that you need. If you want to look more specifically, you can either add more separate search terms, or you can use quotes to look for a sequence of words that suits the topic that you are looking for, e.g. “food preservation”. This will narrow the results and make your search more accurate
- If you are unsure about the spelling of a word, e.g. automatisation or automatization you can use a question mark in place of the letters that you are unsure about: automati?ation
- Search for a video by using the pid field, like so: pid:1234567 or pid:"1234567" for a more accurate search. A video's pid can be obtained following the numbers after "v=" within a direct link. For example, if the link is https://my.yuja.com/V/Video?v=1234567&list=123456789&autoplay=1, then the pid would be 1234567
Adding a Weblecture of your running course
Weblectures of your running course are published to the channel of your course automatically. By making a link to your channel your students can access Weblectures and livestreams via that channel. Read in the following article how to make a link to that channel: How to add your course's YuJa channel in the Brightspace content. Next to that, you can embed a single or multiple videos in the content in Brightspace. If you want to search for Weblectures in Brightspace, follow the next steps:
- In the desired Content page in Brightspace, click on Existing activities
- Click YuJa Media Chooser from the drop-down menu
- Click in the search bar
- Type in Coursecode_Courseyear_Courseperiod without quotes (e.g. FCH21806_2022_2)

To narrow down the search you could also search for the date of the recording, the room, or the presenter (e.g. 01-11-2022, B3031+B3032, or Neerven) by using the Advanced Search Console
- Hit enter or press Search
- If you have found the relevant Weblecture(s), you can select the one(s) that you are looking for to embed the video(s) in Brightspace
As this search element was added to videos only since February 2022 (period 4 of 2021-2022), you cannot find Weblectures before that date in this way. For Weblectures of previous years, you can send a request to place them in your channel via [email protected].
Adding a video that you found via the media library
A video that you can find and play via the media library can be added to your course. For instance knowledge clips from the Public library or the WUR library. Searching in the media library can be easier than searching in the Media Chooser, because of the folder- and channel -structure present.
Once you have found the video in the media library, follow the next steps:
- Copy or memorize the title of the video
- In the desired Content page in Brightspace, click on Existing activities
- Click YuJa Media Chooser from the drop-down menu

- Click in the search bar
- Enter search term (title) with quotes, e.g. "animation in educational video"
- Hit enter or Search
- If you have found the relevant video(s), you can select the one(s) that you are looking for to embed the video(s) in Brightspace

How to Use the Advanced Search Console
All media files are searchable using the Advanced Search Console. Use Titles, Folders, Metadata, Comments, Owners, and more to search through all media channels. Improve your search results by using the AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators to join search criteria in creating a precise match for the media files you wish to view. You can read the article about How to Use the Advanced Search Console in the YuJa Help Center to learn more about the Advanced Search Console.

Now you know how to search videos in the YuJa Media Chooser!
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