Surveys | How to export Survey reports

Surveys are an excellent way to solicit feedback from participants regarding any aspect of a course. It is possible to gather anonymous or non-anonymous opinions and information from users. After completion of a Survey, it is possible to generate a Survey Report. The generated report of the Survey results can be downloaded to your computer as CSV, Excel or PDF file. 

This article shows how to:

Setting up Survey reports

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar:

  1. Click on Assessment, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click on Surveys
Navigate to Assessment, a drop-down menu will appear click on Surveys

This will open the Surveys homepage, in the Surveys table overview:

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to the Survey name, a drop-down menu will open
  2. Click on Edit
Surveys homepage, click on the downward arrow next to the Surveys name in the Surveys table overview

This will open the Surveys Editing homepage:

  1. Click on the Reports Setup tab
  2. Click on Add Report
Edit Surveys homepage
  1. Enter the Report name
  2. Select the Report type, it can be either a Summary Report or Individual Attempts Report

By default, the report type is set on Summary Report

New Report homepage

Under the heading Release,

  1. Select the Release date and time, the release can be immediately or set to a specific date
New Report - Under Release set the release date

Scroll down to the heading Release Report To, in the Overview role table:

  1. Tick the boxes next to the User Roles that will have access to the Report (for example, Course Coordinator and Lecturers)
  2. Click on Save
Release Report - Under Release Report to, tick the roles within the table

A report Overview will be created in the Reports Setup tab, under the Reports heading:

  1. Click on Save and Close 
Under Reports, the Report Set-up will appear, click save and close

Export Survey Reports

The Report Setup page will close, and you will be redirected to the Surveys homepage:

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to the Survey name, a drop-down menu will open
  2. Click on Reports
Surveys homepage, click on the downward arrow next to the Surveys name in the Surveys table overview

This will open the Report List page of the Survey:

  1. Click on the Survey Report Name
Report List page, click on the Survey Report name

This will open the Generate Report page, under the heading For attempts completed:

  1. Select the type file to be generated:
  • Generate CSV - to export the data in a .csv file
  • Generate Excel  - to export the data in a .xlsx file
  • Generate HTML  - to export the data in a .pdf file
  1. (Optional) Select a time frame for Surveys attempts completed from a certain date range

If in step 16 there are no date ranges added, the system will generate a complete report of all the attempts 

Generate report page - select the file type to be generated

A pop-up window will appear in the left corner of the screen, the pop-up window will disappear once the file has been generated and will be saved in your computer files  

Pop-up window - generating the file will appear and close, the file will be saved to your computer files
  1. Click on Done
Generate Report - click on done

To view the survey results in a more graphic format go to Overall Statistics.
Check the following article on Surveys Statistics to know more.


Now you know how to export Survey Reports in Brightspace

Want to know more about Surveys in Brightspace?

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