Progress | How to manage indicators in the Progress tool

The progress tool tracks your students overall progress in a course and individually. You can customize the indicators displayed through the Progress tool.

Available Progress tool indicators

You can only have a maximum of 4 visible indicators at a time on the Progress homepage. Available indicators include:

Indicator name Description
Content completed This indicator shows how many required content topics each student has completed.
Objectives This indicator illustrates each student's progression through the assigned objectives.
Assignment submissions This indicator shows the current average on all submission folders as well as a visualisation of the scores of the last 15 items.
Hover over each bar for additional details about the folders.
Grades This indicator presents the current final grade for the student, as well as a visualisation of the scores of the last 15 items.
Hovering over each bar provides additional details for the grades.
Checklist completion This indicator displays how the learner is progressing through the assigned course checklists. Highlighted items indicate items that are due within the next 7 days.
Content visited
This indicator shows how many content topics each student has accessed by navigating within the Content tool. If students navigate to an activity outside of the Content tool (for instance, by using the navbar) it does not count as a visit.
Discussion participation
This indicator presents user statistics for reading, posting, and responding to discussions.
Quiz performance This indicator presents the current average on all quizzes as well as a visualisation of the scores of the last 15 items.
Hovering over each bar provides additional details for the quiz.
Survey completion This indicator displays the student's progression through the assigned surveys in the course.
System Access (Last 30 days)
The System Access indicator displays the number of accesses to the system for the last 30 days.

Managing the indicators

You can edit the settings of the Progress tool adding, replacing, reordering the indicators of students' course progress.

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click Progress
  1. Click Settings in the upper right of the page
Progress homepage

The settings page of the Progress tool will open.

To add indicators

In the Settings page of the Progress tool

  1. Click on the button + Add Indicator

This option only appears when you are adding an indicator for the first time. Afterwards, you can only replace the unwanted indicator.

Screenshot shows the Progress tool - Settings page
  1. In the pop-up window a list of available indicators appears, click on the indicator you want to add

The indicator will then automatically appear in the list on the Settings page.

Screenshot shows the selected indicator in the pop up window list of indicators

You can only have a maximum of 4 indicators at a time visible. If you wish to change the indicators in your list go to section To remove indicators of this article.

  1. To finalize the change click the blue button Save and Close
Selection of indicator on the screenshot shows also the button Save through which you confirm your change.

To remove indicators

It is possible to remove an indicator, but only by replacing it with another.

In the Settings page of the Progress tool navigate to the indicator you want to remove.

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to the name of the indicator
  2. From the drop-down menu click on Replace
Progress tool - Settings - remove indicator

A window pops up with a list of available indicators.

  1. Click on the one indicator that will replace the currently visible indicator.
The screenshot shows the Brightspace course pop up window where an indicator of Progress can be selected

It will be automatically added to the list on the Settings page of the Progress tool, and the pop up will close automatically.

  1. To finalize the change click the blue button Save and Close
The screeenshot shows the new progress indicator added in the list of selected ones. It also shows the button Save and Close that needs to be clicked to finish the change.

To reorder indicators

In the Settings page of the Progress tool

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to the name of the indicator
  2. From the drop-down menu click either Move up or Move down to reorder the indicators. They will move at right away.
  3. Click the blue button Save and Close to finalize the change
Progress tool - Settings - move indicator


Now you know how to add, remove and reorder indicators of the Progress tool in Brightspace!

Want to know more about students' progress tracking in Brightspace?

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