Statistics | How to view course Content statistics
Course content statistics can display the total number of students, the number of students who visited course content and the average time students spent viewing content. You can view overall course content statistics as well as specific statistics for individual topics.
On the course content statistics homepage, you can see the overview by content or by user on the course content activity. You are able to view online, export reports (on content and on SCORM objects), and reset the statistics.
This article shows how to:
Some things to consider when checking course content statistics:
- A student who visits multiple times is only counted once.
- The total number of students counted in statistics does not include any users with a role higher than Student in Brightspace.
- Calculated time students spent viewing overall content or individual topics does not include student session timeouts and students currently visiting content and topics as you view statistic details.
How to access course Content statistics
First, navigate to the course you want to see the statistics for. Then,
- Click Content
- Click on Table of Contents, on the right side of the screen appear three buttons
- Click Related Tools
- Click View Reports

You will be redirected to a page with an overview of the class activity on the course content.
The default view is Statistics with the overview organised either by Content or by Users. By clicking on the tabs you can change the view accordingly.
Content statistics - tab Content
In the Content tab of the Statistics page you will see an overview of the content, following the structure of the Table of Content. This overview is organised in a table with columns named Content, Users Visited, and Average Time Spent:

In the column Content, you can see the content organised by the modules you have in your course. Each item (video, link, document, weblecture, etc) included in the course will be shown in this list. The names of items are the same as when viewed in Content.

- Each item is preceded by an icon, indicating which kind of item it is. In this case, Self test 2018 is a PDF document
By positioning the cursor on the icon, this latter is explained.
- The barred eye follows the name of the element when this is hiden form the users
This column displays the number of users (from the Classlist) for whom a specific content is available to.
This number shows the content available according to existing release conditions, special access (assignments and quizzes), group access (assignments and discussions), availability dates, hidden/visible state, and if the module parent is "available."
In the column, Users Visited a number in blue indicates how many students visited the item (Note: A student who visits multiple times is only counted once). By clicking on it you will be redirected to the Reports page.
This column shows the average time spent on the specific course content item calculated as the average time of all the students who visited this item. To see the average time by a user with a Student role in Brightspace, you can click on the blue number in the column Users Visited.
Reports via blue numbers
By clicking on the blue number on the columns Users Visited and Average Time Spent, the user will be redirected to a page with a more detailed overview of students who accessed this content item, showing:
- In which module the item is located and an overview of the classlist statistics
- A table overview organised by students' Last Name, First Name (sortable), whether the Content item is Available or not to the specific student, the date Last Visited, Number of Visits to the item, Total Time Spent on the item, and Average Time Spent on the item (pictured below).
- You can also email the students on this Content item from this view by clicking the selectbox in the first row and then clicking the Email icon above the table.

To return to the overall course Content Statistics overview, click on the blue button Go Back located at the bottom of the page.
Content statistics - tab User
On the Statistics page under tab Users, you will see an overview of all students presented in a table organised by columns Last Name, First Name, Content Topics Available, and Content Topics Visited.
On this page, you are able to filter the view by User or by Group (field View By:). Or you can sort the view by Last Name or First name by clicking the header of the column.

To see a more detailed overview of a particular student, click on their name in blue . This will open a page with information on the particular student's course content activity.
The information is organised in a table with columns Title (of the course item), Available (content item available to the student), (number of) Visits, Average Time Spent (per item), and (date) Last Visited. The rows are presented as is the Content structure of the course (Module name and its items).

To return to the overall course students overview, click on the blue button Go Back located at the bottom of the tab Users page.
Now you know how to access the course Content statistics in Brightspace!
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