Quizzes | How to edit quiz question visibility and properties

In Brightspace Quiz tool it is possible to manage how the quiz questions will appear to students when taking the quiz.

This articles shows how to:

Where to edit quiz questions properties

To open the settings and properties of questions in an existing quiz, first navigate to your course, then

  1. Click Assessment in the green navigation bar
  2. Click Quizzes
Click Assessment, then click Quizzes

On the quiz homepage navigate to the quiz where you want to edit the properties of the questions. Then,

  1. Click on the quiz name
  2. Click on Edit
3.Click on the quiz name, 4. click edit

This will open the main quiz settings page. On the right pane,

  1. Click on Timing and Display
This will open the main quiz settings page. On the right pane, 5.Click on Timing and Display

How to set Timing & Display

When expanding this Heading, further settings and options can be added to the Quiz.

Timing & Display

1. Timing

Teachers can set a time limit by selecting the Set time limit checkbox, which is cleared by default.  If Set time limit is selected, instructors can add a Time Limit and edit the Timer Settings.

Time & Display

By clicking on Timer Settings the pop-up window Timing will appear.  There are two features related to quiz timing that can be set namely:

By clicking on Timer Settings the pop-up window Timing will appear, and the following options appear: Choose when learners can start quiz by selecting one of the two options under Quiz Start: 1.Asynchronous: Timer starts when the learner launches the quiz (default)- enables the quiz timer to set off only when the learner launches the quiz 2.Synchronous: Timer starts on the start date- enables the quiz timer to set off on the start date set by the instructor

Choose when learners can start quiz by selecting one of the two options under Quiz Start:

  1. Asynchronous: Timer starts when the learner launches the quiz (default) - enables the quiz timer to set off only when the learner launches the quiz
  2. Synchronous: Timer starts on the start date - enables the quiz timer to set off on the start date set by the instructor
Choose what happens when the quiz timer expires by selecting one of the three options under When The Time Limit Expires: 1.Automatically submit the quiz attempt (default) - enables the system to automatically submit the quiz, even when it is not completed by the student, at the expiration of the given time2.Flag as "exceeded time limit" and allow the learner to continue working - allows the student to continue working on the quiz after the time has expired, flagging the student that the time limit has been exceeded 3.Do nothing: the time limit is not enforced.When students close the quiz window during the quiz by clicking on the X button, different confirmation messages will appear based on the quiz's Time Limit and End Date settings:1.No Time Limit and No end date: Confirmation to return later is shown.2.Time Limit and No end date: Confirmation about the quiz timer not pausing is shown.3.No Time Limit but has an end date: Confirmation to return before the ending date is shown.4.End date in the past: Confirmation that the student cannot return to the quiz is shown.

Choose what happens when the quiz timer expires by selecting one of the three options under When The Time Limit Expires:

  1. Automatically submit the quiz attempt (default) - enables the system to automatically submit the quiz, even when it is not completed by the student, at the expiration of the given time
  2. Flag as "exceeded time limit" and allow the learner to continue working - allows the student to continue working on the quiz after the time has expired, flagging the student that the time limit has been exceeded
  3. Do nothing: the time limit is not enforced.

When students close the quiz window during the quiz by clicking on the X button, different confirmation messages will appear based on the quiz's Time Limit and End Date settings:

  1. No Time Limit and No end date: Confirmation to return later is shown.
  2. Time Limit and No end date: Confirmation about the quiz timer not pausing is shown.
  3. No Time Limit but has an end date: Confirmation to return before the ending date is shown.
  4. End date in the past: Confirmation that the student can't return to the quiz is shown.

2. Paging

Defines how the question will be shown as students take the Quiz. There are five options to choose from as shown in the picture below.


Select one of the below, to enable the option Prevent going back to previous pages

  • 1 question per page
  • 5 questions per page
  • 10 questions per page
  • Add page break after each section

3. Shuffle Quiz

Click on the tick box to create a randomized display of questions and sections of your quiz.


4. Display

  • Click the tick boxes to change the display settings.
  • Click on the question mark to learn more about each setting.
display options

By clicking on Manage Header and Footer you will be able to write the two components. The Quiz Header and Footer will be visible to learners at the top and bottom of the quiz, respectively.


Now you know how to edit properties of quiz questions in Brightspace!

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