Course Design and Set-Up | How to create a (sub)module in Content

In Brightspace you can structure your course content within modules and submodules.

How to create a module in Brightspace Content

Navigate to your course and in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Content
navigate to your Brightspace course where in the green navigation bar you click Content to open the course Content

In the Content you might already see some modules created.

Navigate to the bottom of the page and in the left vertical bar, below the modules

  1. Click the field Add a module...
In the Content page navigate to the left vertical bar to the bottom where you find a field named Add a module. Click the field.

The field becomes editable, then

  1. Write the [name of your module]
  2. Hit the Enter key on your keyboard
write the name of the new module and hit the key Enter on your keyboard to save the change

The module will now appear in the list of modules in the left vertical bar, and its name to the right.

Screenshot shows how the new module appears in the Table of Contents left vertical bar

Before you add content to the new module you will have to set up a default path. For instructions read the article How to set up a Default Path for a Content module.

Setting up the module and adding content items

To set up the module you have the option to Add dates and restrictions, Add a description, and set the visibility of the module.

You can add content from Brightspace directly (through the button Existing Activities) or from your computer (through the button Upload/Create or the Drag and Drop functionality).

For information on the options please visit:

For articles about content adding please visit: CONTENT: Adding Content to a Course

How to create a submodule in Brightspace Content

Navigate to your course and in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Content
navigate to your Brightspace course where in the green navigation bar you click Content to open the course Content

You will now open the Content page of your course where you can create a submodule for an existing Content module. You can create a submodule in two ways:

  1. Create a module and move it into an existing module
  2. Open an existing module and create a submodule within it

Before you add content to the new module you will have to set up a default path. For instructions read the article How to set up a Default Path for a Content module.

1. Create a module and move it into an existing module

When you open your Content page

  1. Click the field Add a module...
  2. Type the name of the submodule
Click Add a module to create a module in the Table of Contents
  1. Click on the vertical dots in front of the new module name and drag the new module onto the existing module until it highlights in blue
Click the new module name and drag it in the Table of Contents structure onto the module you want to place the new module

When you release the mouse the new module (Lecture 1) will now appear as a submodule in the module (Lectures)

The new module now appears as submodule within a module in the Table of Contents vertical bar

If the submodule contains files or other content, all will be moved together with it.

This is a practical way to manage modules when they already exist and only need different placement within the Content structure.

2. Open an existing module and create a submodule within it

In your Brightspace course Content page you can open the module to create a submodule directly within it.

  1. Click on the [module name] in the left vertical bar Table of Contents
  2. Then, click on the field Add a sub-module... in the main view of the module content
Creating a submodule from within a module, click the module and when its content appears to the right you scroll to the bottom and click the field Add a submodule

The field becomes editable and you can now type the name of your new submodule (e.g. Lecture 2). To confirm the change hit Enter on your keyboard. The submodule (Lecture 2) now appears in the content of the module (Lectures) and you can place content in it.

now the new submodule is in the content of the module

You can continue adding further submodules as needed.

For further information on how to structure your Brightspace course page please visit the article How to use the Content to structure your course in Brightspace.

Showcases of learning activities

Additionally, you can review the following Showcases, real life examples, of a course set up:


Now you know how to create modules and submodules in the Content tab of your Brightspace!


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