Course Design and Set-Up | How to set up a Default Path for a Content module
Creating content in your Brightspace course page requires you to create a default path. Default Path is the link between a module in Content of your Brightspace course page and where the file is really stored in the system (the Manage Files). Therefore, the Default Path needs to be set to the corresponding folder in the Manage Files tool.
Default path is a way how to link the module in Content of your Brightspace course page with where the file is really stored in the system (the Manage Files). Manage Files is a space where all documents, HTML pages created in Brightspace, images will end up once you add them to your course's content.
Manage Files is only visible to users with a role in the Brightspace course page higher than a Student role.
This article shows how to:
Set up the Default Path of an Existing (sub)module
Before you begin you will have to create the folders in Manage Files.
First, navigate to your course. Then,
- Click Content
- Click the existing module in the Table of Contents
- The module's content opens on the right side of the screen, then click the downward arrow next to the title of the module
- Click Set Default Path from the drop-down menu

A window pops out. Here you will see the current path of the module. By default this leads to the general storage space in Manage Files of the course.
In the pop up window
5. Click the button Change Path

The line of text above the Change Path button indicates where the content of the module links to now.
In the new pop-out window you will see overview of the created folders in Manage Files.
The highlighted folder is the folder to which the content is currently linked.

6. Click on the [folder name] to select it (highlights in blue) and to which you want your Content module to be linked to
7. Then, click the blue button Select Path

The pop-up window closes and you will land on the first pop-up window with the information where to is your Content module linked now in Manage Files.
8. Click the blue button Save to finish the setup

You have linked the Content module with a folder in your Manage Files now. This means any files you add by drag and drop to the module in the Content will appear in the linked Manage Files folder.
Get the Correct Link of the Target Module
When you click on a module in the content of the Brightspace the URL link does not change. So when you copy paste the URL of the content, you get the link of the course homepage and not the targeted content module.
In order to copy the URL link of targeted content module, you need to take few extra steps.
- First click Content in the green navigation bar in your course home page
- Navigate to the existing module you would like to get the link and click that module in the Table of Contents.
The module's content opens on the right side of the screen, and the URL link does not change when you click the module from there.
- Open one of the submodule and/or item that is in the targeted module.
- On top of the module title you can now see the path of the item. (e.g. Table of content > example module > example item you clicked). From this directory click on the module name
Now you return back to the module page, where the URL link in the address bar is changed
- Copy the link from the address bar to get the link of the module
Now you know how to set the Default Path of a module and how to get the link of a module in Brightspace!
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