H5P | How to generate H5P reports
When students complete H5P questions, their answers will be stored (since May 2024). Students can therefore resume from where they left off. Their answers are made available in a report per content. The report may be accessed by teaching stuff in the course.
This article shows how to:
Available Information
Reports are available for each content that provides scoring. Below is the list of things currently available within the reports.
- For each content item, the list of all users that have answered is generated
- For each user, the first attempt score, last attempt score, and best attempt score is shown
- For each attempt, the start time, end time, duration of the attempt, the total score is shown
- For each question, the question score and a complete report with all the answers the user has given is shown
- The score for each question is generated based on the answers a user has given. An exception to this is Free-Text question found in Interactive Video. This is an open-ended type of a question where the teacher has to review and grade the user's answers within the report.
Generating H5P Reports
1. Navigate to the H5P content in your course
A button Reports will be shown for each content that provides scoring once a student completes an attempt.
2. Click the button Reports, it shows you a list of all users who answered
3. Click on a name to get a list of all completed attempts of this student

4. Click on an attempt to get a detailed report of this attempt by this student

5. Click on Export (.CSV) to export the data to a CSV file

For examples of reports, you may have a look here: https://help.h5p.com/hc/en-us/articles/8253940527133-More-Report-Examples
Now you know how to generate H5P reports in Brightspace!
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