Quick Eval | About Quick Eval tool in Brightspace

Quick Eval is a tool that offers teachers a single location to view all learner submissions that are awaiting evaluation. Submissions made to Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions are displayed in a sortable list and can be selected to take you directly to the assessment page. You can sort, filter, and search submissions to prioritize the evaluation work (source: D2L).

In this article you will find information about:

For submissions and activities to be shown in this tool the course has to be active, and has either no End date set or be within its Start and End date.

Navigating to Quick Eval can be done through various ways

Quick Eval homepage

The default homepage view of the Quick Eval tool is the Submissions view. All users with submissions will be listed here (including the Course when Quick Eval is opened from the Brightspace WUR homepage).

Quick Eval homepage overview

Quick Eval only lists activities from Assignments, Quizzes and Discussions that have students submissions.

1. Submissions button

Submissions list is the default view when landing on the Quick Eval homepage.

The items in the table are arranged into the columns:

  • First Name, Last Name
  • Activity Name - the given name of the Assignment, Quiz or Discussion topic
  • Course - only visible when Quick Eval is accessed through the Brightspace WUR homepage
  • Submission Date of the student

The list is by default sorted by the Submission date, but can be sorted by any of the columns by clicking on the title of the column.

Quick Eval - Submissions view

To learn how to assess submissions by student via Quick Eval please visit: Assess a submission by student via Quick Eval

2. Activities button

The Activities list is another option how to visualize available course activities (assignments, quizzes, discussions) and gives a lecturer a quick overview on their progress, and quick access to evaluation of students submissions grouped by activity.

Quick Eval - Activities page overview

Each course activity (Assignment, Quiz, Discussion topic) will be shown in a block with the following information:

  1. Name of the activity with submissions and type
  2. Number of New Posts (for Discussions), New Submissions (for Assignments), or New Attempts (for Quizzes)
  3. Number of submissions completed out of the expected total
  4. Number of submissions evaluated out of the expected total
  5. Number of submissions with feedback published out of the expected total
  6. Indicators showing which overview menu you are seeing. Click on the empty dot to change the view.

Hover with your mouse over the activity block to see the options of interaction:

Quick Eval - hover over the activity listed for more options
  1. Evaluate All - this option will take you to the evaluation page of a submission per student. (To move between students submissions to evaluate click in that page on the arrows in the upper right corner.)
  2. Submission List - this option will take you to the list of Submissions of the activity (by clicking here you will leave the Quick Eval page and go to the Submissions page of the Assignment / Discussion / Quiz)
  3. More Actions - click here for options to:
    • Publish all (evaluations) or
    • Dismiss (an activity) until
      1. Next Submission - the submission will appear in Quick Eval again once a student has submitted another attempt
      2. A specific date - will delay Quick Eval until a specific date has passed (for example the deadline of a paper)
      3. Forever - the submissions will not appear in Quick Eval anymore

Note: Dismissing an activity hides it from Quick Eval, but won't affect the activity. To retrieve a dismissed activity go to section 5. function Dismissed activities of this manual.

To learn how to assess submissions of students by Activity via Quick Eval please visit: Assess submissions by Activity via Quick Eval

3. Filter function

Filtering can be done using one or more of the following categories: Activity Name, Course Name (if you use Quick Eval from Brightspace WUR homepage), and Submission Date.

To filter the submissions on the Quick Eval homepage:

  1. Click on the Filter function
  2. From the drop-down window click either on Activity Name, Course Name (only visible when Quick Eval is accessed through the Brightspace WUR homepage), or Date
  3. Select from the list that updates according to the selection made in step 2, or use the Search bar
Quick Eval - Filter function

The search function in Quick Eval allows lecturers to locate Submissions for evaluation by searching for a specific user, assignment, quiz, discussion topic, or course. You can also use the search function for Activities for searching by name of the course activity.

  1. Click on the button either Submissions or Activities,
  2. Type the desired search query in the Search bar
  3. Hit Enter or click the magnifying glass in the search bar for the results.
Quick Eval tool - Search function

5. Dismissed Activities function

This option lets lecturers see the list of Activities they dismissed from the Quick Eval Activities view. Also, lecturers can restore Activities from here once they open the Dismissed Activities list.

This function does not apply for the Submission option in the Quick Eval tool.

To see the list of Dismissed activities on the Quick Eval homepage do the following:

  1. Click on the three horizontal dots
  2. Click on Dismissed activities option
Quick Eval - Dismissed activities function

Quick Eval - which submission items are listed?

Below is an overview of items shown in the list of the Quick Eval tool, as well as the ones which will not appear in the list:

Quick Eval tool items Listed  Not listed
  • individual
  • ungraded
  • with status Saved as Draft
  • with status Feedback not published
  • group assignment
  • Individual assignment with Automatically on Evaluation completion setting
  • graded
  • with status Feedback published
  • without auto grading
  • ungraded quiz attempts
  • with status Saved as Draft
  • with status Feedback not published
  • with auto grading
  • graded quiz attempts
  • with status Feedback published
Discussion topics
  • setup with assessment
  • ungraded
  • with status Feedback not published
  • setup without assessment
  • graded
  • with status Feedback published
External tools
  • SCORM objects
  • LTI activities (like Bongo video assignment, FeedbackFruits, QMP, H5P)


Grade items

Source: D2L


Now you know how to use the Quick Eval tool in Brightspace!


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