FeedbackFruits | How to link a FeedbackFruits Assignment to the Gradebook
FeedbackFruits is one of the external learning tools that is already integrated into Brightspace. FeedbackFruits is a suite of assignment tools that provide students with opportunities to give and receive feedback related to a range of assessment activities.
This article shows how to:
Adding a grade item to FeedbackFruits Learning Tools
Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar,
- Click on Content
- Click on the desired (sub)module
- Click on the desired FeedbackFruits Learning Tool Assignment

This action will open the FeedbackFruits assignment,
- Click on the Add a grade item... under the FeedbackFruits display
- If you have already made a grade item, click on the -- No Grade --, and select the grade item you want to link. Next, move to step 8.
- If you need to link the FeedbackFruits Assignment to a new grade item, click on + New Grade Item
This action will open the New Grade Item window as a pop-up.
For further information on how to create a New Grade item, please visit: Creating a Grade Item
After filling in all the criteria for the New Grade Item
- Click on the Create blue button

The pop-up window will close. The name of the newly made grade item will appear under Assessment.
- Click on the Save blue button
You can remove a Grade Item by changing it to -- No Grade --.
The New Grade item has been successfully attached.
Now you know how to add a grade item to FeedbackFruits Learning Tools in Brightspace!
Want to know more about FeedbackFruits Learning Tools?
Please visit:
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