Manage Content | About Release Conditions
Release conditions are conditions that you can set to certain parts of your course, for your students to only see this content once they have met certain requirements. Release conditions can be used as an additional way to structure your course and guide your students through the workload and towards the course's goal. The release conditions can be linked to multiple subjects in Brightspace.
In this article, you will find information about:
- an example with release conditions
- how to Add Existing release conditions
- how to Create New release conditions
- Remove conditions
Release conditions can only be installed for Assignments, Discussion Topic and Forum, Quiz, Surveys, Grade, Discussion Forum and topic and Content items.
To find out more about where to find release conditions for Activities, Surveys and Grades, please visit How to set Restrictions
It is possible to set a release condition for an activity to give guidance to the students. They can be set to either one condition (Example A), or to multiple conditions (Example B).
- Example A: A student is only able to work on assignment B once he has sufficiently passed assignment A
- Example B: A student is only able to see the final assignment once he/she has handed in all weekly assignments and obtained a score of over 60% for the quizzes
Setting up release conditions
Navigate to the Release Conditions section either within Assignments, Discussion Topic and Forum, Quiz, Surveys, Grades and Content topics. Under Release Conditions there are three options

1. Add Existing
If Release conditions have been created before within the course with the option Add Existing, it is possible to reuse them and attach the existing ones in a different Activity in the course.
2. Create New
You can click on Create New in order to create a new Release Condition.
If you click on Create New, a pop-up window will open

In the pop-up window, it is possible to select the Condition Type. There are multiple condition types that you can choose from.
1. Click on -- Select Condition Type -- and drop-down menu will appear with all condition types
2. Click on the option you would like to set as a release condition

Condition Type options
- Completed checklist: the student has finished a checklist
- Completed checklist item: the student has finished a checklist item
- Incomplete checklist: the student did not finish the checklist
- Incomplete checklist item: the student did not finish a checklist item
- Group Enrollment: the student is a member of a certain group
- Org Unit Enrollment: the student is a member of a certain course
- Section Enrollment: the student is a member of a certain section
- Role in Current Org Unit: the student has (not) been assigned a certain role
- Date of Enrollment in Current Org Unit: the student has been enrolled in the course for a certain number of days
- Competency achieved: the student has obtained a certain competence
- Learning objective achieved: the student has successfully achieved a set learning objective
- Score on the associated rubric: the student has scored a certain score in a linked rubric
- Competency not yet achieved: the student has not obtained a certain competence
- Learning objective not yet achieved: the student has not yet achieved a learning objective
- Visited content topic: the student has checked out a certain content topic
- Visited all content topics: the student has checked out all content topics
- Not visited content topic: the student has not looked at a specific content topic
- Posts authored in a topic: the student has posted a certain amount of posts on a discussion topic
- Score on the associated rubric: the student has received a rating based on a rubric
- No posts authored in a topic: the student has not yet posted in a discussion topic
- Submission to the folder: the student has handed in an assignment
- Receive feedback on submission: the student has received feedback on a certain handed-in assignment
- Score on the associated rubric: the student has received a rating with the rubric
- No submission to the folder: the student has not handed in any file
- Grade value on a grade item: the student has obtained a certain score on a grade item
- Score on the associated rubric: the student has obtained a rating with the rubric
- No grade received: the student has not yet obtained a rating
- Released final grade score: the final grade of a course has been released to the student
- Score on a quiz: the student has obtained a certain score on a quiz
- Completed quiz attempt: the student has finished the quiz
- Score on selected questions: the student has received a rating on certain questions
- Score on the associated rubric: the student has received a rating with the rubric
- No completed quiz attempt: the student has not handed in the quiz yet
- Completed survey attempt: the student has handed in the survey
- No completed survey attempt: the student has not handed in the survey
Once you have chosen a release condition, you can proceed to the Condition Details. If you have, for example, chosen the Release Condition Completed checklist, you are now able to search through all your checklists and select the checklist you want your Release Condition to be linked to.
3. To find this checklist, click on --Select Checklist--
If the item you want to link your Release Condition to has not yet been created, e.g. a quiz or survey, then you will not be able to fill in Condition Details. Therefore, make sure that you have done this before installing your Condition.

Once the Release Condition has been selected,
4. Click on Create.

The Release Condition is now created and linked to your assignment. This action will close the pop-up window and under the Release conditions section, the restrictions will appear with one more new condition to select.

For users to access this item, they must satisfy certain conditions you can select from:
- All conditions must be met - when there are multiple conditions created and attached, this item will only be accessible when all the different conditions have been met at the same time
- Any condition must be met - when there are multiple conditions created and attached, this item will only be accessible when at least one of the conditions is met
3. Remove Conditions
You can delete the attached conditions by clicking on the X next to each one.
Now you know about the Release Conditions in Brightspace!
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