Classlist | How to enrol/unenrol users to the course
Course Coordinators are able to add or remove a user (participant) from the Classlist of a course. Adding participants is only meant for exceptional situations (an irregular course) since all students and teachers are automatically added to the course based on registration in SSC / the study Handbook.
The users need to have activated WUR accounts in order to be added in the Classlist. If a student wants to follow your course but doesn't have a WUR-account (yet), please refer this student to the Student Service Centre ([email protected]). The SCC can try and figure out what the problem is.
This article shows how to:
Not all roles can be added as shown in this article. For example, Course Coordinator, Lecturer and Course Administrator roles should be made by sending an email to [email protected].
Check for specific role requirements in this manual: Roles and permissions in Brightspace.
If you want to add for example a guest lecturer or a pre-student to the course it is necessary that this person has a WUR Guest Account. You can learn how to create a WUR Guest Account in this manual: How to create a WUR Guest Account.
Add users to the course
1. Navigate to Communication in the navbar
2. Click Classlist

3. Click Add Participants
4. Click Add existing users to add persons to the course
A new page will open where you can search for the user.
5. Type the (last) name or the WUR e-mail in Search For... under Add Existing Users. Press enter or click on the magnifying glass
Please pay attention to use the (last) name or the wur e-mail. In Brightspace the Username is the user's WUR e-mail and NOT the WUR Username. So, WUR Username does not always work when searching for users.
It is only possible to search with one term at the time. This means that if you want to add multiple users, you have to search for them one by one.
Remove users from a course
Similarly, it is also possible to remove users from the course Classlist:
1. Tick the Selectbox of the user(s) that need(s) to be removed
2. Click Unenrol
A pop-up will appear to confirm this action
3. Click Yes

The user(s) will now be unenrolled from the course.
Now you know how to add and unenrol users from the course page in Brightspace!
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