Digital poster market with peer and teacher feedback in FeedbackFruits
This article will show an example of how FeedbackFruits Learning Tool can be used to organize a digital poster market.

Course: ELS52506 Course development (This course is part of the Education Minor in which students can obtain their second-degree teaching licence for secondary education).
Period: Period 3 and 6
Short Introduction and background
Introduction and story behind the emergence of this learning activity. What was the need, what issue/problem was the teacher facing and wanted to resolve?
ELS-52506 is a course for WUR bachelor students who follow a teacher education trajectory. They follow WUR education on Monday and Friday and they do an internship in secondary school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
They design a lesson series for their own secondary school subject (I.e., biology; chemistry; geography; physics; economics). Halfway of the period we normally do a face-to-face poster market. Students make a poster of the lesson series as developed so far. The aim is: to share and inspire each other, to make explicit what you already have, to gain peer feedback and to gain teacher feedback; both from the course teacher as from a didactical expert teacher (I.e., a biology teacher; a geography teacher etc). All this feedback can be used to improve the final lesson series.
Due to COVID-19, this had to be turned into an online version. The online version is now experienced by both teachers and students as much more effective than the physical version.
Relevant tools / apps (software) or hardware used
- FeedbackFruits Peer Review Assignment - for the poster market
- Brightspace Group tool - for didactical expert groups
- MS Teams - for feedback meetings
Learning outcome(s)
What has been learned after this lesson/activity has been executed ?
After successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
- Design a coherent lesson series including learning goals, various and active teaching methods, and summative / formative assessment about a secondary school subject, fit for their target group.
Lesson idea / Learning activity
Specific description and demonstration of the lesson idea/learning activity.
In Step 1 of FeedbackFruits Peer review assignment students are instructed to make an individual poster and formulate two feedback questions they specifically want feedback on. The feedback questions are added to the poster, so they hand-in one file (Step 2).
Then they are randomly assigned to two other students in FeedbackFruits to give feedback via a set of pre-set assessment criteria (i.e., also used to assess their final assignment for summative assessment purposes) and criteria addressing their feedback questions (Step 3). These criteria are qualitatively used (so feedback in words, not in numbers).
Students also receive feedback (in the FeedbackFruits assignment) from the course coordinator/teacher and from their didactical expert teacher. Thus, every student receives feedback from four others within FeedbackFruits.
After all feedback is given, students must read the feedback (Step 4). We then organise a general feedback session in MS Teams in which students can ask their questions based on the feedback and the course coordinator gives them some group feedback (i.e., feedback relevant for the whole group).
Next, students go into disciplinary MS Teams break out rooms (all biology students together; all geography students together). These groups are supported by didactical expert teachers. In this break-out room, they further discuss the feedback from the didactical expert in more detail.
Lessons learned / Tips
Mentions tips lecturer has for colleagues based on their experience.
This assignment gives us a much better insight into the development of ALL students. It is a really powerful formative assessment, both for the teacher as for the students.
All students receive more, and more concrete peer and teacher feedback (in a physical poster market we can never visit all students, some receive a lot of feedback, some a little).
All students can get feedback from the didactical expert which is not possible in the physical setting (as they cannot be all present during the session). This has a lot of added value and is certainly within teacher education key.
Students put more effort into making their poster, which they evaluate as “this really helps me to explicate the ideas that I have and lets me think critically about if my ideas are feasible and aligned”
Students really like seeing each other's posters. It gives them inspiration and gives concrete stuff to talk and share about (i.e., more students tackle the same subject for their lesson series but do this in a different way. This allows them to share more).
It offers students very rich and diverse feedback to improve their final lesson series. For the summative assessment (I.e assignments that are graded) they improve their lesson series in using the feedback of the poster market.
Teacher(s): Judith Gulikers
TLC contact: -
Author (interviewer): André Groenewoud
- Manuals for creating FeedbackFruits Peer Assignments in Brightspace: Brightspace Help for Lecturers
- Manuals for creating groups in Brightspace: Brightspace Help for Lecturers
- Manuals for adding MS Teams within Brightspace: Brightspace Help for Lecturers
- Microsoft tutorials on how to set-up your MS Teams page: Microsoft Support
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